Is People-Pleasing a Trauma Response?

From early childhood, we are taught right from wrong, what's appropriate behavior, and how to get along with other people. These teachings helped us form healthy relationships and adapt to social situations, but when trauma occurs, we can go out of our way to please others, surpassing a healthy boundary.

Where Does People-Pleasing Begin?

People-pleasing often stems from childhood trauma, such as abandonment, neglect, or disappointment. For example, if a parent was difficult to please, you may have tried to do things for them to gain their approval or to feel worthy of their love and attention.

In addition, children who have experienced neglect or abuse are often more than willing to get on their good side or avoid them altogether to prevent it from re-occurring. This is especially true when there is physical or emotional abuse, as children may want to avoid triggering the anger of a parent.

This dynamic can make it hard for children to speak up, or they may worry about making a parent upset or disappointed. These behaviors often continue with friendships, and then on into adulthood. As an adult, it’s not unusual for people to try to please their bosses, co workers, and even partners they may have.

What Are Some People-Pleasing Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors?

At the expense of not disappointing others, feeling rejected, or avoiding conflict, we often do things for others we don't want to and form these patterns to please others but neglect ourselves.

So, what are some people-pleasing patterns?

·       Saying yes to others all the time

·       Apologizing even when it's not their fault

·       Suppressing their true feelings and emotions    

·       Constantly worry about how others see them

·       Staying in toxic relationships

·       Highly sensitive to criticism

·       Avoiding disagreement or conflict

·       Feeling unworthy of love and respect




How to Stop People-Pleasing Behavior

One of the most vital steps to eliminating people-pleasing behavior is becoming conscious of yourself and making the appropriate changes.

So, how do you make these changes?

Understand that saying no isn't selfish. Saying no to others' requests might be difficult because we feel good helping others and don't want to disappoint them, but at what cost? Remember, we must first take care of ourselves to take care of anyone else. A reasonable person will understand that you can't always say yes. Plus, you're essentially telling yourself that you are worth the self-care.

Let go of self-blame or guilt. You are not responsible for how your parents or other adults treated you as a child. Not to mention that it's justifiable what you needed to do for your self-protection. Therefore, remind yourself that you can't control what happened then but can take control of your life now.

Be your genuine self. Likely, some people in your life don't even know the true you. Therefore, you owe it to yourself to show them. You want people to like you for who you are and not what you do for them. And, you deserve to attract the right people in your life.

Set boundaries. Part of being in a healthy relationship is setting boundaries. As individuals, it is essential that we stress what we do/don't like or what we will/won't accept. That is how you form a mutually respectful relationship with someone and build self-esteem.

Trauma Treatment

Sometimes the root of people pleasing behaviors can be trauma people have been through. It can be hard to undo a lifetime's worth of trauma on our own, and so counseling might be an excellent option to get to the root of your people-pleasing behavior. A therapist can help you make get past and heal from a childhood history you didn't own. They can also teach you ways to set boundaries, help you communicate more effectively with others, and build healthier relationships.

How to Deal With Anxiety In The World Today

Natural disasters, potential pandemics, war threats, and the political outrage of the day, to name a few, are all things that cause anxiety if you pay even half attention to the news. It's natural to be scared in the face of a terrifying world and a bleak future. It’s completely natural. It becomes a problem only when this anxiety is taking a serious toll on your mental health, and it becomes unmanageable.

The pandemic has wreaked havoc on mental health systems around the world, creating vast gaps in care for those who most need it. People used to search for anxiety therapy for hours, or anxiety therapy in Cincinnati or somewhere in the other part of the world. And, they were unable to do it. Even though the situation has improved significantly by the end of 2021, far too many people are still unable to receive the care and support they require for both pre-existing and newly established mental health issues.

Covid-induced Anxiety:

The most prevalent form of anxiety concerning current world affairs nowadays is covid-induced anxiety. According to a WHO scientific brief, the global prevalence of anxiety and depression soared by a whopping 25% in the first year of the pandemic. Furthermore, the pandemic's social isolation has led to unprecedented stress. People's capacity to work, seek help from loved ones, and participate in their communities was impeded and it led to suicide and self-harming behavior, even exhaustion in healthcare workers.

War-induced Anxiety:

Another major problem nowadays is the disturbing world conditions and the news of people dying everywhere. Especially, the current relations of war between Ukraine and Russia have brought a vast number of mental health issues in people, especially the pre-existing ones. Many people are dealing with the unexpected new world order as the West faces a possible new Cold War. Also, the warnings about heightened nuclear threats flood social media, even if you live thousands of kilometers away from the frontlines in Ukraine.

How to battle anxiety?

Apart from these two major factors, the other contributing factors are also there and you just can't ignore them. They are there, they are normal and you need to cope with them. You can opt for anxiety therapy so it can help you. Otherwise, you can change certain behaviors and it will bring a change for sure.

Change your thought patterns and change the perspective:

No fortune-telling!

The news can often conjure up scary images and thoughts about the future, and it can feel as though these concerns will come true. Distinguish between the fancies of the imagination and reality. When you discover yourself worrying about a fictitious tragedy, return to reality by taking a slow breath in and out and smiling.

Remind yourself that you can cope!

When you're afraid about something that might happen today, visualize yourself dealing with it effectively. Remember how strong you've been in the past when you've risen to the challenge. Expect yourself to apply the same ability and tenacity to today's difficulties.

Choose your actions to unwind the anxiety:

Be with the things that are real!

When you realize you've become engrossed in the latest frightening prognosis, acknowledge it for what it is. A daydream that may or may not come true! Touch something nearby, and allow interaction with the world around you to serve as a touchstone for releasing the grasp of fear.

Turn off the news!

It's probably unrealistic to completely skip the news, but a good rule is to read the news once a day.

Release the tension!

When you notice you're carrying extra tension in your muscles, take a few moments to pause.

ü  Take three deep breaths and count to five as you exhale.

ü  Inhale as you shrug your shoulders up toward your ears.

ü  Slowly exhale as you release all tension from your shoulders, letting them relax and drop.

Repeat this twice more with a soothing breath in and out each time. Finish with three more breaths and pay attention to how you feel.

Final Thoughts:

There’s no question that receiving for therapy in Cincinnati or anxiety therapy anywhere, it will help you a lot. But, you can change your thoughts and actions for better outcomes. Also, you should always be open to uncertainty and focus more on the act of love. Address your anxiety and remind yourself that everything will be OK. It has always been!

How EMDR Can Help You Grow Past Your Trauma

Change and growth can be painful processes. However, there is nothing quite as painful as staying in a place you know you don’t belong. Surviving traumatic events can be, in a word: chaotic. You ask yourself the same questions repetitively, hoping for a different answer. Why did this happen? What could I have done to prevent it? Who will believe me? At times it can feel like you’ve witnessed yourself dissolve. All you can do is stand there and wonder if there is anything left of you to put back together.  

Rock-bottom can feel debilitating, but it can also be an excellent foundation to build. That inner knowing that I may be shattered right now, but somewhere in me, that magic, that alive thing, is still in me. I will have to take a step back and cry when I need to cry, mourn what I’ve got to mourn, but I have got to heal. 

The critical thing to remember is that change isn’t achieved overnight. Rushing and pushing cause resistance. Healing takes alignment. Aligning ourselves with the tools and resources that will support us takes time. It means coming to terms that recovery also requires doing things that make us uncomfortable at the moment, but that will significantly benefit us over the long term. 

Often, our biggest fear isn’t that these traumatic events will happen again; Our biggest fear is that we won’t be able to handle them if it does. EMDR helps you take your power back and harnesses you with the tools to turn your greatest breakdown into your most significant breakthrough.

 This post will explore how EMDR therapy will help you become the best version of yourself. 

1)     End Emotional Eating and Once And For All 

When we experience strong negative emotions, it isn’t uncommon to experience a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness. Food can be an attractive solution since it can give us a sense of physical fullness even if we still feel that strong emotional void.  

Here are the facts about eating disorders and obesity in the USA today:

 ●       According to The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the United States.

●       10,200 deaths each year are the direct result of an eating disorder

●       About 26% of people with eating disorders will attempt suicide.

●       The U.S. adult obesity rate stands are 42.4%. 

EMDR can help you navigate stressful situations and intense emotions that keep you vulnerable to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as binge-eating and substance abuse.  

2)     Build Strong Self-Talk and Self-Confidence 

Our thoughts influence our feelings. Our feelings influence our actions. Our actions create our habits, and our habits create our lives. What we think and feel about ourselves plays a prominent role in trauma recovery. EMDR builds mental toughness and self-confidence because you will begin to hit mental and emotional breakthroughs that you once thought were impossible. Debilitating flashbacks will, over time, become minor inconveniences that come and go, like riding a wave in the ocean.

 3)     Improve Relationships 

The quality of our lives is greatly determined by the quality of our relationships. EMDR helps us to discover who we are at the core. When this self-awareness is developed, it allows us to form more meaningful relationships, and we will be able to see people’s actions objectively instead of projections of previous trauma. Developing relationships with others will help us create a network of supporters that we can lean on in times of crisis. 

4)     Plan For Your Future

As EMDR helps resolve the pain and hurt associated with our trauma, you may notice that you will have more energy and courage to focus on new opportunities and experiences that can enrich our lives. When we keep our past big, it forces us to keep our future small. But when we come to terms with our past, it allows us to think about the future with a sense of wonder and start living intentionally to make it a reality. 

5)     Fade Debilitating Flashbacks

One of the classic symptoms of childhood trauma and PTSD is that trauma memories just won’t seem to fade. People with trauma might find themselves reliving their child abuse or sexual abuse repeatedly. A great thing about EMDR is that it transcends these traumatic events into more manageable, distant memories. Of course, you can still remember, but you will have the ability to separate the memory from your identity and self-worth. 

 6)     Develop A Growth Mindset 

A growth mindset simply means that you believe your talents and capabilities can be developed over time. EMDR shows us that setbacks are a part of life, and it doesn’t matter what happens to you; what matters is how you respond. Those with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace challenges and be more resilient. In the face of adversity, you will shift your mindset from: “why is this happening to me?” to “what is this experience trying to teach me?”  

With a growth mindset, you will have a new approach to life. In the face of adversity, you will look for an opportunity to grow and develop yourself instead of treating every failure as a life sentence. 

Why People Avoid Trauma and PTSD Therapy

“I know I need help, but I’m really scared.”

Trauma and PTSD therapy is a proven and effective treatment for many mental health matters. In the same way that you might visit a physical therapist for a sprained ligament, there is tremendous value in speaking to a trained trauma therapist when you experience trauma or PTSD. Unfortunately, however, it is not uncommon for people to avoid speaking with a therapist, which is due to a combination of many different reasons. Fear is arguably the number one reason why individuals may be hesitant to seek therapy, and this is very normal and understandable. Fear of the unknown, concern about an increase in nightmares and other trauma symptoms, worry that speaking about what happened will make us feel worse or make what happened feel more real, or anxiety about what may be discovered in therapy may keep traumatized individuals from obtaining the care they deserve.

If you believe you would benefit from trauma and PTSD therapy but are worried about actually seeing a therapist for trauma, we want to give you some peace of mind. It’s important to know that we trauma therapists have ways of working with trauma that will not retrigger or overwhelm you.

Our therapists at Therapy Cincinnati prioritize your emotional wellbeing above all else, and we are well-equipped with many techniques to ensure that we will avoid emotionally overwhelming you. It is our hope that any fear or doubt that may be keeping you from experiencing healing and growth can be replaced with confidence and hope.

Therapy is not like ripping off a Band-Aid. Our therapists never go straight into the most difficult aspect of a traumatic experience. Instead, we work slowly and carefully so that we understand all the nuances and details surrounding the trauma before we start addressing the epicenter of the trauma itself. One method that we utilize to accomplish this gradual approach is called Titration. Titration is a Somatic Psychotherapy technique that provides a structured way of progressively working up to the most difficult aspect of the trauma by categorizing details surrounding the trauma into zones.

One of the biggest benefits of using titration in trauma therapy is that it allows us to see how fast we want to move in trauma therapy, while making sure that we don’t get overwhelmed. In Somatic therapy, when we talk or think about things that are upsetting us too much we run the risk of our nervous system shutting down, or conversely feeling on edge and anxious. Shutting down may look like someone having a hard time concentrating on the trauma work, or it may be the person feels numb. Both these states – shutting down or feeling more on edge - are not good and we are trained to help people avoid ending up in one of these places.

This is one of the many reasons why talking with a specially trained trauma therapist is so beneficial. While there are many wonderful therapists doing amazing work, in order to get the right treatment for trauma it is very important to work with a therapist who has extensive training in treating trauma and PTSD and understands how trauma affects us. While all therapists can treat mental health issues, trauma requires more than just a basic level of knowledge. Just like you wouldn’t go to your PCP for complex brain surgery, treating trauma properly requires significant training, skill, and experience.

We at Therapy Cincinnati have spent years learning about all the nuances of trauma and PTSD and have undergoing extensive training that only a few therapists in the Cincinnati area possess. We are able to help you get past the trauma you have experienced while doing so in a safe and effective way. We know that therapy can seem intimidating at first, but our hope is that by giving you some insight into one of the many tools we use that you will feel more comfortable allowing us the opportunity to partner with you on your journey towards healing.

Working collaboratively with one of our compassionate, trauma-informed, and certified EMDR therapists at Therapy Cincinnati can be a healing step towards resolving traumatic symptoms and emotions associated with trauma. If you would like to learn more about how trauma therapy works, please contact us today for a free, 15-minute phone consultation. 

Trauma and PTSD treatment in Cincinnati

Therapy Cincinnati is a mental health clinic specializing in EMDR, PTSD treatment, and trauma therapy for women located in the Cincinnati area (and via telehealth!), and we are ready to partner with you on your journey towards growth and healing. Learn more about us and how we work.

How EMDR Helps With Inherited Trauma

Inherited trauma is the concept that past traumatic events and caretakers with a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can play a highly influential role in the way future generations react and respond to their surroundings. While the research surrounding “inherited trauma” is still relatively new, the notion of inherited trauma is research-backed by the proven concept of epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of how environments and learned behaviors can alter the way a particular gene is expressed. Through an epigenetics perspective, inherited trauma does not necessarily mean that traumatic events have the power to genetically alter someone’s DNA nor the genetic code of their children. Rather, epigenetics demonstrates how traumatic symptoms and responses can be taught and thus passed on through learned behavior.

One such way that traumatic symptoms can be inherited through epigenetics is through memories passed down from generation to generation – such as with cultural trauma as one example. As the retelling of traumatic ancestral narratives are retold and passed down, the lasting impact can resonate with the new generation who often experience PTSD symptoms in an attempt to cope with the traumatizing memories they inherited. Another way that inherited trauma can manifest itself is through learned behaviors. For example, there are many studies that indicate that anxious habits and other fight or flight stress responses can be learned behaviors. In other words, nervous twitches, certain behavioral habits, and fears can be inherited through observational learning.

Regardless of the origin of traumatic symptoms, experiencing traumatic symptoms is traumatic in and of itself, and EMDR is extremely effective for healing symptoms of trauma, inherited or otherwise.

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a proven form of psychotherapy that has been especially healing for people who are struggling to cope with PTSD symptoms and traumatic memories. EMDR has been heavily researched as an effective treatment option for processing and reconciling with trauma-based memories so that symptoms of trauma ultimately disappear. Through EMDR treatment, participants do not forget the traumatic memory, rather they are able to recall the traumatic memory without experiencing the distressing symptoms associated with the traumatic memory.

As pain becomes processed in a safe, supportive, expert-led session, emotions and psychological sensations associated with the trauma resolve themselves as the compulsion to respond to a trigger with the former, learned way of reacting disappears. In this way, EMDR can help break the cycle of unhealthy behavioral patterns experienced or learned through inherited trauma or generational trauma.   

5 Ways EMDR Therapy helps heal inherited trauma

1.      Dysfunctional narratives and reactions are observed, identified, processed, and then released so that new, healthier, and more regulating patterns of behavior can be utilized.

2.      Triggers lose the psychological power they once held, and the distinction between remembering an experience and re-experiencing an experience through recollection is differentiated.

3.      The act of remembering a traumatic event will no longer be psychologically or emotionally disturbing.

4.      Dysfunctional memory networks that instill unhelpful and dysregulating beliefs and behaviors will be processed and released. As a result, cognitive distortions, addiction behaviors, intense internalized shame, self-loathing, guilt, and other distressing emotions will be processed and reconciled.

5.      EMDR therapy allows treatment participants to feel a sense of liberating freedom. Trauma halts the mind’s ability to balance the nervous system, and this can cause cognitive blockages or incomplete informational processing patterns. EMDR creates new neurological patterns of thought and provides support for informational processing to complete in a regulating and healing way. As a result, participants report no long feeling entrapped in the cycle of their trauma.  

There are many benefits of EMDR therapy, and EMDR therapy is particularly effective with shame-based or culturally sensitive traumas. Explore other benefits of EMDR Therapy.

Working with a compassionate, trauma-informed, and certified EMDR Therapist such as our certified EMDR Therapists at Therapy Cincinnati can be a healing step towards resolving the traumatic symptoms and emotions associated with inherited trauma. If you would like to learn more about how EMDR Therapy can help you find comfort and healing, please contact us today for a free, 15-minute phone consultation. 

Post-Traumatic Growth: 5 Ways To Thrive After Trauma

You know post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but have you heard of post-traumatic growth? 

Coined by psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun, post-traumatic growth is a term characterized by positive psychological changes in those affected by PTSD, often finding new meaning from their experiences and thriving in the aftermath of trauma. 

With 25 years of research backing it, post-traumatic growth is a phenomenon we see it playing out in front of us daily. From war and natural disasters to injuries and sexual assault, trauma is the catalyst for growth and transformation, helping you build strength and resilience in areas in your life you least expect.

  Let’s explore five ways post-traumatic growth can help you thrive:

1. A New Appreciation For Life

When experiencing fear and loss from trauma, we’re often confronted with the threat of losing the things we cherish most in life and thus start to take notice of the things we previously overlooked or took for granted.  

Post-traumatic growth shifts our mindset, creating a sense of gratitude toward the life we’ve been given. Whether it's the view of the sunrise or the taste of your morning coffee, mundane moments no longer seem so small and are experienced through new eyes and with greater appreciation.

2. Discovering Personal Strength

Working through trauma makes you better equipped to handle future problems, increases your resiliency in the face of adversity, and helps you discover new strengths.

It also instills confidence when facing new challenges as past experiences give you the insight needed to navigate difficult situations.

3. Exploring New Possibilities

Surviving trauma can cause one to re-evaluate their life completely. From developing new hobbies and rethinking priorities to changing jobs and moving across the country, the aftermath of trauma helps survivors see new possibilities in life. You may find that where you once felt stuck you now see purpose, possibilities, and value. Life itself may look and feel different than ever before. Introspection and new ideas born of your traumatic experience can make the present moment seem more precious.

 Not only that but mental and emotional doors that previously seemed closed to you can feel more and more accessible. You may feel excited to invest your mind, body, and talents for causes that reflect your perception of new potentialities and opportunities.

 In summary, post-traumatic growth allows one to see new pathways for themselves that they otherwise would have never dreamed of pursuing if it weren’t for their trauma.

4. Spiritual Growth

In the aftermath of trauma, we often turn to something larger than ourselves to make sense of what happened and why it happened the way it did. Whether spiritual, religious or something else entirely, a belief system helps us cope with traumatic experiences and create new worldviews. In other words, post-traumatic growth can help us create a deeper understanding of the world and discover our place in it.

5. Improved Relationships

Improved relationships are often cultivated from the need to give and receive support through difficult times. One of the biggest impacts trauma can have on us is how it affects our ability to connect with others and trust people. As you heal and work to process the unhealthy connections or lost relationships in your life, your perspective on people may have shifted.

 Those coming out of trauma are likely to recognize the importance of the relationships in their life, especially ones overlooked in the past. Perhaps you value community and social connection more. You may find newfound empathy, compassion, and altruism. You might simply feel an openness toward humanity that you couldn't tap into before your trauma or for some time afterward. Your post-traumatic breakthrough may simply be evidenced by your unwillingness to take the people in your life for granted. Moreover, reaching out for help, expressing emotions, and learning to rely on others strengthens connections and fosters post-traumatic growth.  

Looking For Trauma Treatment In Cincinnati?

Therapy Cincinnati is a mental health group practice specializing in trauma therapy for women located in the Cincinnati area, ready to partner with you on your journey towards growth and healing. Schedule a free 15-minute call with one of our therapists today to see if we’re a good fit for you.

What Is Anxiety-Induced Brain Fog?

Anxiety-Induced Brain Fog: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Anxiety-related brain fog is a common occurrence that is sometimes misunderstood. Anxiety is typically related with speeding up of thinking and processing, whereas brain fog is frequently associated with the opposite: racing thoughts can make people hyper vigilant, and anxieties can keep people awake, edgy, and restless. What causes anxiety and brain fog to occur at the same time? Understanding both brain fog and anxiety is the first step in finding a solution.

What Causes Anxiety-Induced Brain Fog?

Brain fog isn't a disease, but rather a state of mind. It's the feeling that something isn't quite right, that you aren't as sharp as usual. You have a strange feeling when you have brain fog. Excessive concern, overthinking, visualizing terrible outcomes, and terror are all symptoms of anxiety.

Because the symptoms of one might produce the symptoms of the other, you may experience brain fog with anxiety. Of course, this aggravates both diseases. It has the potential to become an unending loop:

  • ·       Anxiety is characterized by "what-if" scenarios, ruminations, and negative thoughts.

  • ·       Mental weariness arises as a result of this.

  • ·       Brain fog can arise as a result of fatigue.

  • ·       Because it feels frightening and worrying, brain fog can exacerbate anxiety.

  • ·       This cycle appears to recur indefinitely when anxiety levels are high.

Anxiety and brain fog manifest themselves differently in different people. Some people get it on a regular basis, while others get it only once in a while. It can happen suddenly, or it can persist for days, weeks, or even months.

Both of these situations are aggravating. Examining the origins and symptoms of brain fog and anxiety will provide information that can be utilized to address them.

Why can anxiety produce brain fog?

Anxiety consumes mental energy. To focus on something other than their concern, a person may have to use more energy. They may perceive that their anxious thoughts are continually interfering with their intellectual states. It may be more difficult to concentrate and think clearly as a result of this. The impact of anxiety on multiple things and brain fog may vary depending on the activity at hand.

Anxiety can also impair a person's ability to think clearly, causing brain fog. A person's worried thoughts may increase as a result of the chores they must perform. A person cleaning their house or completing their taxes, for example, may discover new sources of anxiety. This could lead to increased anxiety, mental fog, and difficulties completing tasks.

Anxiety and brain fog can be caused by a variety of mental health problems, including:

  • ·       depression

  • ·       attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • ·       anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (ADHD.

    Anxiety and brain fog can also be caused by physical health conditions.

COVID-19 survivors, particularly those who had to use a ventilator, had an increased risk of PTSD, according to research published in 2021. This increased their chances of experiencing brain fog. People who have had a long COVID may develop mental fog and PTSD.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, which can make a person feel weary all of the time, can also cause worry and brain fog.

Symptoms of Brain Fog with Anxiety

If there was only one word to characterize the symptoms of various mental health issues, it would be "fatigue." There's a link between brain fog, worry, and weariness. Without a question, weariness is at the root of anxiety-related brain fog.

Anxiety appears to have taken control of our entire brain, obliterating our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It's exhausting to be anxious all of the time. Anxiety might sometimes make it difficult to sleep. Brain fog can be caused by fatigue. The following are some of the signs and symptoms of anxiety-related brain fog:

  • ·       Difficulty concentrating and focusing

  • ·       Uncertainty in thinking

  • ·       Problems with short-term memory

  • ·       Difficulty reasoning logically

  • ·       Problems processing, retaining and retrieving information

  • ·       Living in fog makes understanding comments, directions, and conversations difficult

  • ·       The vague feeling that something is "wrong" but you can't figure out what it is

The causes of anxiety and brain fog can help you understand the symptoms of brain fog with anxiety.

Causes of Brain Fog with Anxiety

Anxiety-related brain fog can be caused by a number of factors:

  • ·       Anxiety signs and symptoms (discussed above)

  • ·       Anxiety's physiologic response in the brain

  • ·       Stress and stress hormones

Understanding these causes can help people understand why brain fog and anxiety might occur together.

Anxiety can cause the brain to become fatigued and cloudy. Fear triggers the fight-or-flight reaction. In reaction to a severe stressor, the brain adjusts its activity in order to be ready to do whatever it takes to survive (either stay and fight or run away to safety).

In response to stress and worry, the brain also controls hormone production. Cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine go through your body and brain to keep you awake and ready to act, but when these hormones are present for too long or in excess amounts, they overload and tire the brain, resulting in brain fog.

Treatment for Brain Fog and Anxiety

The best way to manage anxiety-related brain fog is to address it at its cause. Understand the signs and symptoms of both brain fog and anxiety, and take steps to alleviate your problems. Additionally, you should understand what is causing your symptoms so that you may make good changes to alleviate them.

  • ·       Develop and implement stress management skills

  • ·       Take steps to improve the amount and quality of sleep you get each night

  • ·       Address your anxiety, potentially with the help of a therapist

Pay attention to your brain and body, and if your brain fog is severe, try meditation, mindfulness, exercise, or yoga to give your brain a break.

The combination of brain fog and worry can make living difficult. You may, however, lessen both by actively working on them. Regain control of your mind and start living again.


Anxiety and brain fog can both adversely affect a person's day-to-day activities.

Completing simple tasks may be more challenging due to brain fog. As a result of missed deadlines and confrontation with coworkers or loved ones, anxiety may develop.

Both anxiety and the cognitive fog it generates can be helped with the correct medication.

Self-care practices may also be recommended by a doctor. People who are worried about their anxiety or brain fog should get help as soon as possible, particularly if the symptoms are severe.

Trauma: How to Begin Healing from Relationship Trauma

Suffering trauma during your relationship can leave you feeling wounded and alone – however, it doesn’t have to be this way. Indeed, while it can be a long and sometimes tiring process, healing from relationship trauma is entirely possible.

As such, today, we’ve outlined a few simple things you should know to begin healing from relationship trauma; in turn, we hope this may help you find suitable solutions for your own recovery needs.

How to Begin Healing From Relationship Trauma

If you’ve experienced emotional or relationship trauma of any sort, chances are, you aren’t feeling quite yourself anymore. Indeed, relationship trauma can often represent a painful blow to our self-esteem and self-confidence – but it doesn’t have to be this way. And hopefully, the following four points may help you to begin recovering from your emotional trauma, too.

#1 Acknowledge The Trauma

In so many cases, it’s easy to feel guilty or ashamed by the traumas we have faced during our past relationships. It can often feel more natural to simply hide from these.

However, the first step to recovering from relationship trauma – and, if you’re reading this today, you may be on the path to achieving this – is to accept and acknowledge the trauma you suffered.

Don’t hide away from it; coming to terms with the trauma, though painful, can help you begin moving on.

#2 Focus on the Present

One of the most common limitations that hold many people back from recovering from relationship trauma is a tendency to live in the past. Indeed, in so many cases, focusing on the trauma you experienced (though natural) can leave you missing out on all of the great opportunities you could be enjoying in your life.

So, while this can seem difficult, try to focus on the good things in your immediate present. The little things go a long way; take some time out to relax with a soothing bath, a hot cup of cocoa, or simply spending time with a friend or loved one. Always make sure you have things to look forwards to every day; these can help give you a focus to move forwards, rather than allowing your mind to slip and dwell on the trauma you suffered in the past.

#3 Have People By Your Side to Help

Recovering from relationship trauma can be painful at times. There may be times you would rather shake off the pain and forget about it existing. However, this will likely only leave you back at square one, struggling to come to terms with your own emotions.

It doesn’t have to be this way – and having a strong, stable support network is crucial to consider. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a healing professional, ensuring there’s someone by your side who can support you throughout the process is an integral part of healing from your traumas.

#4 Always Take it Slow and Steady

There’s an old saying: “slow and steady wins the race.” When it comes to healing from relationship trauma, this is something that’s irrefutably true, and it’s something we highly recommend you hold close throughout your recovery.

Indeed, emotional pain and trauma can cause far deeper wounds than you might even know yourself; this sort of pain can’t simply be overcome in a few days. Instead, gentle, careful, and patient perseverance is required to find the best solutions and rediscover your strength. But remember: you will get there, and there are people by your side who want to help you feel yourself again.

Final Thoughts

If you’re ready to take that final step towards recovering from emotional or relationship trauma, please ensure you’ve gotten compassionate and caring support from someone who can help you recover from the trauma you have faced.

Discovering you need support to begin healing from your relationship trauma is the hardest step. From here, recovering just takes time, care, compassion, and acceptance – and if you feel you need any further support in this regard, we can help you find the most effective strategies for your own recovery.

Please don’t feel like you ever have to face things alone; we’re here to help you find your past confidence once more!

How to Use Affirmations to Help Ease Anxiety

What is anxiety?

Everyone feels anxious at some point in their lives. For some people, anxiety is categorized as feeling very stressed or worried prior to an event, test, or in response to different situations in life. However, anxiety can also be defined as a diagnosed disorder or mental illness, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) where someone experiences excessive worry, even if there’s no concrete reason why they should be concerned. For example, they may frequently worry about a natural disaster like a tornado, even if they live in a city where there’s never been a tornado or even a warning of one.

 Affirmations for anxiety

Affirmations are reciting positive phrases to yourself, either out loud or writing them down, to soothe your stress or build up your mindset to tackle it in the future. They should not be used as your only coping skill for negative thoughts because you still need to process those, but affirmations can help combat the frequent negative thoughts that run on a loop in your mind. 

According to VeryWell Mind, “Positive affirmations are a great tool for reprogramming your unconscious mind from negative thinking to positive. The idea is to take positive statements of what you would like to see manifested and repeat them enough so that they’re part of your way of thinking and seeing the world.”

 Here are some examples of affirmations you can use to ease your anxiety: 

·       I am doing the best I can.

·       My anxiety does not define me, it’s not who I am.

·       I will be okay. I will not feel like this forever.

·       I am safe, I am calm, I am okay.

·       I forgive myself completely and those who have hurt me, even if they haven’t asked for forgiveness.

·       I am strong and resilient.

·       I am enough and I don’t need to be anything more than myself. 

Don’t Judge 

We all judge ourselves, and while we want to limit judging ourselves in general this is especially important when practicing affirmations. There are a few reasons for this: First, it’s not uncommon that thinking or voicing positive affirmations will trigger that critical voice that may be in your head, which can try to counteract the positive things we want ourselves to think. Second, we may question if we really mean our affirmations, and wonder if we are doing it right. These are all normal and typical reactions as well do something different. Instead of judging ourselves, ask: Who can I lean on? Who can you share your struggle with that can support you and reinforce the positive things you are learning about yourself?

 Why should you go to therapy for your anxiety?

One sign that therapy can be helpful for your anxiety is when it’s really hard to believe positive things about yourself. When that happens, there is often a need for more expert professional help that can help you overcome your negative thinking.  

There are so many ways to treat and cope with anxiety and stress like medication, journaling, exercise, meditating, and more. However, one of the best things you can do for your overall health and wellbeing is anxiety therapy. Therapists specialize in all sorts of mental health and mental illness-related topics, so it’s important to find the right therapist for you.  

Helpful tips to remember for therapy: 

·       It may take some time to find a therapist you connect with. Be patient with yourself and the process, and it’s completely normal to feel awkward or uncomfortable for the first few sessions. Having a one-sided conversation and opening up about yourself may not feel natural, and that’s okay.

 ·       Follow through with what your therapist recommends. Based on what you tell your therapist, they’re going to suggest you implement specific things in your routine or as part of your treatment plan. Some of those things may not be easy, for example, they may ask you to have a difficult conversation with a loved one about boundaries. But you just have to trust that it will help you in the long run.

EMDR Therapy for Grief and Loss: 4 Ways It Heals

 In the aftermath of trauma, people can experience a range of emotions. One emotion which often emerges following a traumatic event or loss, is grief. Many people associate grief with the loss of a loved one, and while this is an accurate assimilation, grief can be associated with any physical or emotional loss. If you have experienced trauma, it is normal to mourn what might have been, what could have been, or the loss of what was taken or missed out on. Even after events and situations that accompanied the trauma have passed, grief tends to linger and can transform into PTSD if it is not released and supported in a healthy and healing way.

 If you feel like you have tried everything to heal from your loss and are still struggling to resolve your grief, Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a proven form of psychotherapy that has been especially healing for people who have experience deep grief. What is EMDR therapy?

Here are four ways that EMDR can provide healing as you cope with grief.

1.      EMDR Therapy reconciles your mind and body.
Trauma can sever the connection between your brain’s ability to process information and your body’s ability to successfully act on that information for the purpose of self-preservation and the facilitation of joy. When there is a disconnect between your ability to reason and your ability to act emotions, intrusive thoughts, and difficult memories can seem uncontrollable and overwhelming. EMDR reforges the severed connection between the mind and the body by stimulating different sides of the brain while actively engaging movements of the body through eye tracking, hand-tapping, or audio/visuals. In this way, EMDR therapy can sooth traumatized individuals by allowing them to process grief in a way that alleviates the internal disconnect. As a result, grief is comforted and distress fades.

2.      EMDR Therapy provides clarity.
EMDR Therapy’s gentle approach allows grief-stricken patients the support needed to address any guilt, shame, or debilitating sorrow that surrounds their grief. By freeing themselves of the judgements and unhelpful feelings that often associate grief patients are free to explore other more helpful feelings about their grief. As a result, participants of EMDR therapy often experience a sense of empowering clarity as they navigate through the grieving process towards healing and recovery.

3.      EMDR Therapy releases suppressed grief
When grief is especially consuming, the mind can sometimes attempt to protect itself by “locking-in” the grief. This suppression can look like denial, avoidance, or even anger, but grief is natural and essential for healing. If grief is kept “locked-in”, it can have a severely negative impact on mental health and overall wellbeing. Regardless of if the trauma behind the grief occurred last week, last year, or twenty years ago, there is a natural process of grief, and EMDR Therapy allows that natural process to continue.  EMDR Therapy focuses on the exact mental and emotional needs of the individual patient so that when the grief is released it is supported and processed in a healthy and healing way.

4.      EMDR Therapy fosters inner peace.
Time can heal many wounds, but some losses need some extra compassion, care, and support. EMDR Therapy does not turn back the clock, and it does not make you forget what happened. No therapy can do that. Rather, EMDR Therapy allows patients to grieve in such a way that they can safely complete the cycle of grief and experience a sense of closure, purpose, and inner peace.

Explore other benefits of EMDR Therapy. 

EMDR therapy in Cincinnati

Working with a compassionate, trauma-informed, and certified EMDR Therapist such as our certified EMDR Therapists at Therapy Cincinnati, you can take a healing step towards resolving your grief and many of the other symptoms and emotions associated with trauma and loss. If you would like to learn more about how EMDR Therapy can help you find comfort and healing, please contact us today for a free, 15-minute phone consultation.

Learn more about us and how we work.

The Feelings & Emotions of Trauma (Part 2):

Trauma is intensely physically and psychologically upsetting, and the emotional effects of trauma can be equally distressing. When the brain’s ability to protect itself and process information becomes hijacked through a traumatic experience, the mind can become emotionally dysregulated. As a result, many trauma survivors experience extreme difficulty understanding and processing the intensity of the emotions that their trauma elicited. The more frightening or unexpected a traumatic experience is, the more extreme and complex the resulting emotions surrounding the trauma will likely be. In this article, we will take a closer look at the emotional effects of trauma.

Anger I feel repulsed. This isn’t fair. I should just move on from this, but I can’t! I’m too angry about it.

You have every right to be furious. Anger is a very common, normal, and valid emotion to have following a traumatic experience. Trauma triggers anger because trauma is violating in every sense, and it is completely justifiable to be outraged about vulnerability being exploited. While anger can initially be a healthy reaction to trauma, anger can become a traumatic emotion in and of itself. This is because anger often reminds the mind of the reason behind the anger, and in this way long-term anger can lead to re-living and re-experiencing the trauma mentally. If you are experiencing long term anger from trauma, know that re-traumatizing your mind will only make it harder to find healing. Through recovery, that anger can be processed and transformed into acceptance, advocacy, and ultimately, healing.  

Shame & Guilt I should never have trusted them. I must have done something to deserve this. Was it my fault? Could I have done something different?

The dehumanizing and degrading nature of trauma can distort someone’s self-identity and self-worth and leave victims of trauma. The idea that the trauma is the fault of the victim is one of the myths of trauma. The reality is that what happened to you was not your fault at all. There is absolutely nothing you could possibly have done that would warrant or justify what happened. No one ever deserves to be traumatized, over-powered, or have their no or resistance not respected entirely. Learn more about the truth behind this myth by seeing my earlier blog post Trauma vs. Truth – Myths About Trauma (Part 1) 

Fear I can’t trust anyone ever again. I’m scared of being alone, but I am also scared to be with someone. What do I do?

There is a very strong link between trauma, anxiety, and PTSD, and that link is fear. When trauma overpowers your natural ability to protect yourself, it is normal to feel powerless and afraid. Fear is a natural reaction when coping with the aftershock of a traumatic experience. You were not safe, but you can become safe again. Healing from trauma requires courage, so please do not lose heart. The fear will subside, and there are trustworthy people who are safe to partner with on your journey towards healing and recovery. You might be tempted to withdraw into isolation, but this will make things worse. If you are struggling with intense paralyzing fear, please do not suffer alone. Please contact us and we will help you re-establish and re-build your sense of security and safety.

Confusion – I can’t remember what happened, but I think something happened. I don’t remember much. I just have brief vague memories.

Confusion is another extremely common emotion to have after experiencing trauma. When a traumatic experience is specifically extreme, the mind can “shut down” as form of survival, and the mind can physically block memories it is unable to process as a form of psychological protection. If you suspect that “something” happened to you, then that is enough to work with. You do not need to remember or recall the details of what happened in order to experience healing. Whether your mind remembers what happened or not, the body has other memory functions. Your body remembers what happened even if your brain does not, and in this way, trauma memories can manifest itself in your life even if you don’t have many or any memories about what happened. Where you remember what happened or not, your body deserves the opportunity to heal.  

How to emotionally heal from trauma

Trauma can leave invisible scars on the body, mind, and soul. These scars can manifest emotionally distressing feelings that can perpetuate the sense of powerlessness you might be experiencing. The road to trauma recovery takes time, and there is no one path that is right for everyone. Traumatic emotions are very complex and unique to each individual, but through specialized trauma recovery treatments that are therapists are trained in you have the power to transform each of these painful emotions into a more useful, helpful, and hopeful one, even if you cannot remember what happened. Healing and reclaiming power over your body, mind, and emotions, is possible. Please contact us for a consultation and take the next step towards healing today.

How Exercise Can Help With Anxiety

Your mind and body function in repetitive patterns that are instinctual and routine, and all of your biological processes are rhythmic by nature. (IE: Breathing, digestion, sleeping, etc.) When you become anxious that sequence is disrupted, and you become dysregulated with a fight or flight survival response. Everyone feels some degree of anxiety, but when that dysregulated fight or flight response becomes your normal or all-too-frequent state of being, that can lead to chronic anxiety or an anxiety disorder. The only way to calm anxiety is to return to a regulated state of being, and exercise is a very effective way to recalibrate your nervous system and restore your mind to its healthy baseline.

The connection between anxiety and exercise is strong, so if you are considering anxiety therapy you might also consider the benefits of exercising.

Benefits of exercise and how exercise helps with anxiety.

Exercise improves your mood. There are many physiological side effects to anxiety such as increased heartrate, rapid breathing, and sweating, and exercising hijacks and repurposes those symptoms for a healthier cause. By rechanneling the anxiety symptoms the nervous system recalibrates, and instead of releasing stress and anxiety hormones like cortisol, it releases endorphins – chemicals the nervous system creates to cope with pain and stress. As a result, your mood is enhanced and your body and mind regulated. 

Exercise leads to confidence. Confidence is a feeling the mind loves because it is one of the antidotes to fear and anxiety. It is very hard to become stuck in a dysregulated state of fight or flight when you are feeling strong and confident. Working out burns calories and builds lean muscle, and the result is that you look – and feel! – your very best.

Exercise helps you sleep better. For people who cope with anxiety sleep is often a struggle, and it is not uncommon for people with an anxiety disorder to also have a sleep disorder. Many credible institutions such as John Hopkins Center for Sleep have proven a strong link between exercise and quality sleep, and research has shown that exercising consistently decreases insomnia, reduces fatigue, and promotes deep sleep.

Exercise increases cognitive function. Countless studies have been done that prove a vital connection between physical fitness and mental fitness. Not only has research concluded that exercise improves focus and concentration, but it is also an incredibly healthy way to take your mind off worrisome thoughts. Simply put, exercise is an effective and healthy way to manage anxiety symptoms, improve your overall well-being, and focus your mental energy on something healthy and productive.

Best exercises for anxiety

Any exercise that forces you to control your breathing and work up a sweat is great, but some are more calming and anxiety-reducing than others. For example, body combat and running are both excellent aerobic activities, but if you struggle with severe anxiety then those styles of exercise may not be the best options for you. When it comes to choosing a form of exercise, the important thing is to be consistent and choose something you genuinely enjoy. The exercises featured below are some of the best exercises for reducing anxiety.

·        Hiking – There is something to be said about being nurtured by nature. Studies have consistently proven that nature is healing and can provide symptom relief for multiple physical and mental health issues like depression and anxiety. If the wilderness is not for you, then take a walk in your neighborhood or in a park. The rhythmic pattern of walking and breathing in nature is extremely mentally cleansing and if practiced consistently can help reduce anxiety.

 ·        Dancing – Dancing is much like movement meditation and has been a ritual practice for thousands of years. Music and moving your body in sync with the rhythm is powerfully healing and regulating, so turn on your favorite music and dance in private or else experience the positive energy of a social Zumba class. Chances are you will ease your anxiety, work up a sweat, and have a great time.

 ·        Yoga – The benefits of Yoga are profound because it is one of the few exercises that focus on the mind, body, and soul connection. Not only does yoga focus on beneficial core exercises, detoxifying stretches, and meditation, but it also teaches you to control your breathing, a key element for coping with anxiety. Your breath is your lifeline and number one grounding practice, and yoga celebrates and strengthens your breathing in a way that many find very healing.  

Wrapping Up: Include Exercise as Part of Your Anxiety Treatment Plan

Anxiety can negatively impact your body’s ability to regulate itself and can leave you feeling crippled. If you find that you are struggling with intense feelings of worry, know that you are not alone. Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health issues affecting our world today, and there is a lot of research and resources available to help you on your journey towards healing and recovery.

If you are ready to take the next step towards relief from your anxiety and develop strong stress management techniques, our Anxiety Therapist at Therapy Cincinnati will create a support plan uniquely curated to your specific needs. Therapy Cincinnati is ready to partner with you on your journey to finding comfort and healing. Please contact us today for a free, 15-minute phone consultation.

The Feelings & Emotions of Trauma (Part 1):

Trauma vs. Truth – Myths About Trauma

Trauma is experienced when our ability to protect ourselves is overpowered in a shocking, frightening, overwhelming, and abusive way. When someone experiences trauma in a place they had thought they were safe or through the actions of someone they thought they were safe with, the long-term side effects of trauma can feel completely confusing and debilitating. While some people are able to find healing over time and re-establish a sense of security, the impact of trauma often results in long-term conditions such as PTSD, Complex PTSD, and anxiety.

While the world is increasingly becoming more trauma-aware, the unfortunate reality is that traumatized people often struggle to find healing because of the myths and feelings that surround trauma. Let’s discuss a few of the more common myths that someone who has experienced trauma might think, feel, or believe.

4 Myths about trauma and why they are completely false.

1.      Myth: It was my fault.
Fact: It was not your fault. 

Shame is one of the most damaging trauma side effects, and that shame belongs to the perpetrator. Not you. Your mind is programed to identify and neutralize threats through the predominant survival modes of fighting or fleeing. But because a traumatic experience is by nature usually very shocking, a third survival mode may become activated: freezing. Because the survival mode of freezing is not often talked about or collectively understood, many people struggle to process WHY they froze, and this can lead to intense feelings of shame. Freezing is a legitimate, brain-triggered survival mode, and it is not a reflection of some form of deficiency, moral or otherwise.

 2.      Myth: I must have done something to deserve this.
Fact: There is absolutely nothing you could possibly have done that would warrant or justify what happened. No one ever deserves to be traumatized, over-powered, or have their no or resistance not respected entirely. 

Unfortunately, because some traumatic experiences can involve someone you know, it can be  difficult to assign fault to someone you used to care about or trust. As a result, it is common for a victim of trauma to distort the image they have of themselves in order to make sense of why something happened, but this is not an appropriate or accurate judgement. The fault is the perpetrators. Not yours. You did not deserve the pain, betrayal, or loss of control that you experienced.

3.      Myth: I am dirty.
Fact: You are not dirty. You are wholesome.

 Trauma is repulsive in many ways, in particular because it is so overwhelmingly overpowering. The hormones that “fear” produces can have similar side effects as other hormones, but rest assured: you are not dirty. You were afraid, confused, and overpowered, and this was not your fault. One of the saddest side effects of trauma is that people who experience trauma (especially if they were children when the trauma happened) might feel completely baffled. As they struggle to problem solve and make sense of what happened, they might wonder if they wanted what happened.  

Take comfort in the truth that no one ever wants to have their control taken from them; that is not a desire the human mind could want. Rather our brains are programed to want control, authority, and protection over itself. When someone’s natural ability to keep themselves safe is challenged or overpowered, the individual’s perception of their own identity and self-worth often becomes compromised. The truth that is you are still you, and you are worthy of safety and protection.  

4.      Myth: I will feel damaged/traumatized forever.
Fact: Trauma is NOT a life-sentence.

 Trauma can feel all-consuming, and it is completely normal for you to feel emotionally “stuck” after experiencing trauma. Trauma exploits vulnerability, and the amount of confusion and fear that is associated with surviving trauma can prevent survivors from experiencing healing and recovery. The truth is that Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) is possible. Even if you don’t remember what happened, your can still experience joy, a renewed sense of personal strength and security, and deep internal healing.

 You are worthy of healing.

Traumatic experiences transcend your body and mind’s natural ability to cope with confusion and pain. It is for this reason that many survivors struggle to integrate, rationalize, and process the emotions involved with a traumatic experience – which is completely understandable and normal. There are many false narratives surrounding trauma that are perpetuated by myths. Whether your trauma happened to you recently or many years ago, it can take time to personally and internally abolish the myths associated with trauma. The first step to deconstructing the myths that surround trauma is to be open and curious to the truth about trauma.

The truth about trauma.

It was not your fault. There was nothing you did to deserve what happened. You are not dirty. You are wholesome and worthy. What happened to you is not a life-sentence. You are not permanently damaged. Your sense of safety and wellbeing has been hurt, but the good news is that reconciliation with your internal sense of self-worth and self-security is more than possible – it is achievable. If you would like the support of a highly trained, experienced, and empathetic therapist, please contact our office today.


This article is part of a three-part series about trauma.

5 Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep with Anxiety

If you’re experiencing stress in your life or have been living with anxiety, there’s a chance that you might struggle to fall asleep at night. If you lay in bed and your brain just won’t turn off, don’t worry - you’re not alone. Over 40 million people in the United States have some sort of anxiety disorder accompanied by sleep disruption.  

Sleep and anxiety often go hand in hand. If you’re wondering what comes first – anxiety or insomnia – it can be either, it can be both. Their relationship is bidirectional. 

Here are five ways to help you get the restful sleep you deserve:

1 -Create a relaxing bedtime routine:

Create boundaries around your bedtime routine. It can entail anything that helps you settle in for the night. Change into a comfy pair of sweatpants or pajamas. Take time to wash your face and brush your teeth. The activities you do before bed will help your body and mind recognize that it’s time to wind down and sleep.

Make your bedtime routine personal to you. Find out what helps you relax the most and incorporate them. The key to a bedtime routine is to remain consistent with what you’re doing to create a habit.

2 - Establish good sleep hygiene.

 This goes along with creating a relaxing nighttime routine. Be clear and stick to waking up and falling asleep at the same time each day, even on weekends. Keeping to a sleep schedule will help create a pattern, and your body will begin to instinctually know when it’s time to wake up and get to sleep.

  Keep your bedroom cool, turn the thermostat down or crack a window. The cooler temperatures will help you sleep much better. Try setting your thermostat anywhere between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit.  

  Keep your bedroom tidy. Clean sheets will make any bed more inviting. If you’ve found a scent that helps you relax, try adding it to the washer when you clean your bedding.          

  Limit your screentime before bed. The blue light our screens emit keeps our minds stimulated. If you must be on your phone, invest in a pair of blue-light blocking glasses. They will help reduce eye strain and allow your body to produce melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone that naturally starts releasing into your system a couple of hours before bed.  

3 - Practice meditation and mindfulness.

 Meditation and breathing techniques can lead to significant reductions in anxiety before bedtime. Try one of the free meditation apps that are available these days. Meditation relaxes your body and mind, which increases melatonin for a more restful sleep.

Journaling is known to help those with anxiety and sleep issues. It doesn’t need to be this serious or grand thing - just grab a piece of paper and write down your thoughts and worries. Getting them into a tangible space will help ease your anxiety before bed.  

4 - Exercise.

Getting out of your head and into your body can help relieve stress. Regular exercise helps people fall asleep faster and more soundly. Even taking a walk outside will do wonders for your sleep. Getting outside helps reset our circadian rhythm, our body’s biological processes that happen over 24 hours, partly in response to light and dark. So, grab a friend, your dog, or even just your headphones and your favorite podcast and head outside.

 5 - Avoid stressful activities before bed. 

Ask yourself what stresses you out during the day. Self-reflect on what you find yourself doing that keeps you awake and doesn’t make you feel good (e.g., checking work emails, scrolling social media). Whatever it may be, limit it or avoid it. It may be difficult at first but avoiding stressful activities will get easier once you lay out a bedtime routine for yourself.  

Are you struggling with anxiety and sleep issues? Reach out to us today to get help and start feeling better.

How To Find An EMDR Therapist

Each organ in our body fights hard every single day to ensure we are happy and healthy, and the brain is no exception. The goal of EMDR therapy is to help your brain’s natural healing process along by helping you to cope with trauma, intense emotions, and internal conflict. This is where an EMDR therapist comes in to help you achieve your interpersonal goals and alleviate suffering.

 What is EMDR Therapy? 

According to the EMDR Institute, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. EMDR therapy works by recalling traumatic images, senses, emotions, and thoughts, in a safe environment where the trauma is then redirected to a physical stimulation (hand tapping, controlled eye movements, etc.) to help the brain process the trauma and heal from it. After EMDR therapy, the physical, mental, and emotional effects of the trauma are lessened. 

How Does EMDR Therapy Work? 

An EMDR therapist will work with you to revisit your trauma in a safe space in order to process it, heal, and move forward. It’s important to feel comfortable in your sessions to reap the full benefits of EMDR therapy.  Usually, your EMDR therapist will ask you a series of questions to recall the specific traumatic incident and then redirect it with gestures such as hand tapping, hand movements, controlled eye movements, or other physical stimulation. As the physical stimulation occurs, your brain will take the cue to move forward with the memories, thoughts, and emotions tied to the incident. This is how the brain processes the trauma and heals itself mentally and emotionally. EMDR therapy will continue until either the effects of the trauma are lessened or pain and suffering are no longer tied to the incident. EMDR therapy is generally divided into five different phases.

 1.)   History of the trauma and coordinating a treatment plan

2.)   Preparation for EMDR

3.)   Assessment of specific memories

4.)   Treatment

5.)   Evaluation 

What is EMDR Therapy Good For? 

EMDR therapy is proven to be effective for treating post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic life events. It is also believed to help anxiety, depression, and panic disorders, and it is a largely safe and effective treatment. While you may experience heightened emotions and memory recollection during EMDR therapy, that’s a sign that it is working. It is often used as an alternative for medication.  

Where Can I Find an EMDR Therapist Near Me? 

At Therapy Cincinnati, we believe that EMDR can play a vital role in any patient’s therapy sessions. We pride ourselves on the highest quality EMDR and trauma therapy with our highly trained and expert therapists. If you feel like negative memories are constantly hindering your quality of life, EMDR therapy is a surefire way to help alleviate suffering and painful memories that you can’t stop thinking about. Instead of feeling trapped and hopeless in your memories and psyche, EMDR therapy can help you regain control of your life by winning your power back over setbacks in life and traumatic events. We offer EMDR therapy for clients of all backgrounds and history.

 To find an EMDR therapist near you, you can begin by searching the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) website to find certified EMDR providers in your area.

 What Should I Expect from EMDR Therapy? 

The number one thing in EMDR is to feel comfortable with your therapist. At Therapy Cincinnati, it’s our mission to go above and beyond to make our clients feel seen, heard, and comfortable as they confront some of their most painful moments and memories head on. As they say, you grow through what you go through, and that is our promise to our clients. Gain your power back today with EMDR therapy.


How College Students Can Manage Anxiety

For many, the college years often supply some of a student's most memorable times in life. While the independence and new horizons can be exciting, college can also be anxiety provoking for students. In fact, research has shown that up to 60 percent of U.S. college students are struggling with symptoms of anxiety. High course loads, being away from home, sleep deprivation, social pressure, and figuring out your major and career can all be anxiety triggers. On top of this, there is the very real concern about student debt, getting used to living on your own, and building friendships and connections in your new environment.

 Throw in a pandemic that is affecting all of us, and college life can be more confusing than ever.  As a time of major change, lots of students experience anxiety in college. With the serious amount of stressors students face, here are some ways you can manage your anxiety:

 Get Enough Sleep

 It’s no secret that sleep is integral for optimal cognitive, behavioral, mental, and emotional functioning. Since college students usually spend all day in classes and study into the late hours of the night, it can be hard to get enough sleep, especially with social activities and extracurriculars. Getting enough sleep is important to avoid burnout, which can lead to stress, which can lead to anxiety. Your brain can’t function properly without enough sleep, which can leave your mental health to suffer.

 Eat a Nutrient Rich Diet

 Always on the go, the last thing college students often think about is food. When you’re cramming for finals, it can be hard to think about making something nutritious. Eating enough protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates are important for not only your body, but your brain! Make sure to drink enough water to stay hydrated, too.

 Take Deep Breaths

 Fight or flight is your body’s natural response to anxiety. When this kicks in, it’s important to take deep breaths. Focusing on deep breathing can alleviate anxiety by helping the body along with its natural relaxation response. The best part of deep breathing is that it can be done anytime, anywhere! 

Practice Self-Care 

When balancing what seems like an infinite amount of duties in college, it can be hard to practice self-care. Simply doing things like taking a bubble bath, reading, watching your favorite show, or meditating can allow your body and brain to wind down and enjoy the moment. Practicing self-care and taking a moment to wind down can help you avoid burnout and high stress levels. 

Talk to a Friend, Family Member, or Loved One 

If you’re feeling the weight of college taking a toll, remember you’re not alone. Talking to a friend, family member, or loved one can help provide good insight and quality advice. Chances are if you’re experiencing it, someone else you know has to.

 Get Organized 

Organization can prevent procrastination. Setting aside time and prioritizing organization can help you workload and social commitments become more manageable. This can be as simple as making a to-do list or time blocking. Getting organized helps you to succeed and avoid bouts of anxiety.

 Go to Therapy 

At Therapy Cincinnati, we believe in the power of therapy to get your life back on track. An anxiety therapist can work with you to healthily process, deal with, and tackle the emotional exhaustion and mental burnout that lead to anxiety. We know anxiety is a powerful feeling, but we believe that you’re more powerful than it. You deserve help, reassurance, and confidence, and anxiety therapy in Cincinnati can do exactly that. Reach out today, and we would be happy to help you get back on track to creating the life you deserve.

Complex PTSD and Attachment

Everyone has an Attachment Style. People with a Secure Attachment Style generally find security and fulfillment in their relationships. Someone with an Insecure Attachment Style may experience tremendous anxiety in their relationships, or they might even avoid relationships all together.  

Your Attachment Style is most often formed from your first human bond. Those who had a positive connection with their primary care giver as an infant typically will develop a Secure Attachment Style, but if your first human connection involved abandonment, fear, trauma, abuse, or severe neglect, an Insecure Attachment Style likely developed. The quality of the first attachment you ever experienced is often what lays the foundation for all your future attachments.  

Complex PTSD Attachment Style

Because an Insecure Attachment Style can be the result of a traumatic relationship, it is possible for someone with an Insecure Attachment Style to also have Complex PTSD. Complex PTSD is trauma from something that repeatedly occurred or else happened over a long period of time. If you at any point in your life were in an unhealthy relationship where continuous trauma was experienced, you may have Complex PTSD Attachment Style

If you find yourself avoiding commitment, intimacy, or deep connections, or else if your relationships cause you intense anxiety and distress, you may have Complex PTSD Attachment Style.  

Recovery from Complex PTSD Attachment Style is Possible 

Coping with Complex PTSD Attachment Style can feel overwhelming and isolating, but the good news is that you can heal from Complex PTSD and develop a Secure Attachment Style. Supportive and loving connections with others can be very therapeutic. Engaging in healthy relationships with people who have a Secure Attachment Style can help you overcome the pain and damage caused from past traumatic relationships. Fortunately, secure relationships come in many forms such as with friends, family, romantic connections, and therapists. By finding healthy ways to have meaningful interactions with trustworthy and secure people, you can your broken bond and feel whole and secure again.  

Reflect – Making Sense of the Past will Inspire a Better Future

 The first step to recovery involves deep reflection of your past. Processing through the root cause of your Complex PTSD and identifying the “why” behind your Attachment Style can be upsetting at first, but with the support and guidance of a compassionate therapist you can obtain the clarity you need in a safe place. By facing the impact of your past relationship trauma and understanding how it influenced you, you can break free from unhealthy, Complex PTSD-influenced habit patterns.  

You can break free from the cycle of trauma to ensure that what happened to you does not ever happen to you again. As you reconcile with your past, you will gain valuable self-awareness which will impact your future relationships in a positive way. For those who have struggled to find peace and security in their relationships, recovering from Complex PTSD Attachment Style is life changing and empowering. 

Incorporate – Rewiring and Healing Your Mind
When we are traumatized, our brains react with a fight or flight response to adapt to the situation. In the moment of trauma, this adaptation likely saved your life. However, people who have Complex PTSD may end up becoming stuck in fight or flight mode. Navigating life and relationships through a traumatized mindset is exhausting and painful and will not help you build the secure attachments you crave.

 There is hope. What happened to you was not your fault, and you deserve to heal. With support, it is possible to create new neural pathways so that your nervous system can process triggering moments without causing you unnecessary panic or anxiety. By reprogramming your nervous system and adopting new thought patterns, you can make the shift from Complex PTSD Attachment style to Secure Attachment style.  

Connect – Recover Through Secure Connection
Our ability to form healthy bonds and Secure Attachments can be both disrupted and repaired by relationships. In other words, relationships can be both the cause and the answer. Unhealthy relationships can leave you traumatized, but through healthy relationships you can experience healing and develop a Secure Attachment Style. To build healthy and secure attachments, you must first cultivate an emotional resilience in an environment where you feel safe.   

By experiencing healthy interactions in safe environments with reliable people, you will develop the capacity to express yourself authentically with others in your life. Through the supportive bonds of healthy friendships, romantic relationships, and/or therapeutic interactions you can achieve secure and healing connections. Overcoming Complex PTSD Attachment Style is a process that requires patience and committing to therapy is a great place to start. Therapeutic connections can help you develop past the narrative that caused your Complex PTSD and put you on the path of recovery. 

Healing and Recovery from Complex PTSD Attachment Style is Possible and Worth the Effort.

 Recovery requires time, space, and compassion. Our highly trained and certified trauma experts are ready to work with you. Through supportive, healing, and appropriate interactions, we will help you identify the triggers and perspectives that influence your reactions and teach you grounding techniques to help you develop security in your relationships with others.

 If you are someone with Complex PTSD who struggles with an Insecure Attachment, know that there is hope. You are not your complex PTSD or your attachment style. What happened to you compromised the way you form attachments, and this was not your fault at all. You are not what happened to you, and finding security in meaningful and safe relationships where your needs are valued and cared for is possible.  

We hope that you decide to move forward and find peace. At Therapy Cincinnati we believe you deserve to feel safe, worthy, and supported in your relationships. If you would like the support of qualified, compassionate, and trauma-informed licensed therapist on your journey towards healing, please contact us for a free 15-minute consultation.

EMDR Treatment: What Makes It So Successful

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psycho-therapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. (Shapario’s, 1989a) adaptive information processing model posits that EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experience to bring these to an adaptive resolution. After successful treatment with EMDR therapy, affective distress is relieved, negative beliefs are changed, and stress is lower. During EMDR therapy the client focuses on emotionally distributing material in small amounts while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus.

Most therapists use directed laterally eye movements as the external stimulus but a variety of other stimuli including hand-tapping and audio stimulation are often used.

(Shapiro, 1991) hypothesizes that EMDR therapy facilities the accessing of the traumatic memory network so that information processing is enhanced, with new associations forged between the traumatic memory and more adaptive memories or information processing, new learning, elimination of emotional distress, and development of cognitive insights.

EMDR Therapy Uses a Three Pronged Protocol.

•       The past event that have laid the groundwork for dysfunction is processed, forging new  links with adaptive information.

•       The current circumstances that cause stress are targeted and internal and external triggers are desensitized.

•       Future events are imagined and worked on, to assist the client in acquiring the skills  needed for to best function.  

EMDR has been found to be successful more than other forms of therapy like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is prevalent in children, adolescents and adults, and it can occur alone or along with other disorders.  A broad range of psychotherapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) have been developed for the treatment of PSTD. 

EMDR is one of the best remedies of PTSD as per World Health Organization (WHO) and there is a mounting number of studies reporting the effectiveness of EMDR has an effective role in reducing anxiety and depression in PTSD patient.


Seven out of ten studies have shown that EMDR therapy require fewer sessions and /or is more effective than trauma-focused CBT. Only 1-2 hours of EMDR therapy targeting anxious memories can be enough to result in a decrease of anxiety.

In recent years, the scope for the use of EMDR has been expanded. Research has indicated potential applications for patients with stress-related disorders as well as those suffering from wide range of physical condition. Several studies have shown that EMDR can decrease the emotional intensity of anxiety, not only in cases of PTSD but also with regular anxiety. EMDR has also been applied to treat panic disorder and a variety of adverse life experiences.


•       EMDR is a process that helps integrate your entire nervous system.

People who have experienced trauma may find that if remains with them in the form of disruptive emotions, sensation, or response. The nervous system may not be able to return to its natural resting space because the trauma is being stored in the body. EMDR allows you to deal with these emotion, sensation, and responses directly, with an impressive amount of accuracy.

According to the EMDR theory, ‘The goal of EMDR therapy is to process completely the experiences that are causing problems and to include new ones that are needed for full health. ‘Processing’ does not mean talking about it. ‘Processing’ means setting up a learning state that will allows experiences that are causing problems to be digested and stored appropriately in your brain. That means that what is useful to you from an experience will be learned, and stored with appropriate emotions in your brain, and be able to guide you in positive ways in the future.

•       EMDR therapy takes advantage of our brain’s natural inclination toward healing.

Often, there are mental blocks that get in the way of healthy trauma treatment. EMDR therapists believe there is no reason to assume that healing from trauma necessitate a long recovery time. If a block exists, you will likely find that stress and anxiety will dissipate due to EMDR. The method has been forward to help clients regain the metal process and reasoning unaffected by other treatment.

•       EMDR gives you the tools to make important mental connections.

Through bilateral stimulation, emotional responses are transformed and resolved. EMDR standardized treatment strategy hones in on past memories, current challenges, and helpful future action that can lead to healing.

Impressively, the result of recent research show that more than 80% of single-trauma victims experience freedom from PTSD following just three, 90-minutes session.

•       EMDR has been shown to yield results in as few as 3-5 treatment during office sessions.

You and your therapist will spend time in the session redirecting your brain and nervous system’s reactions to your trauma through simple bilateral tapping and the therapy is focused and unambiguous. Clients find that the insight and relief gleaned through EMDR are clearly their own, and not those arrived at with the help of their therapists.

•       EMDR trauma treatment elicits immediate relief which bolsters further recovery.

Trauma is devastating because it leaves the victims feeling out of control or helpless. EMDR trauma treatment empowers the client. Participants experience a sense of openness and emotional awareness that allows for improved outlook and decision-making. This leads to better, healthier, and a more permanent recovery moving forward.

With the help of EMDR therapy you can receive clear, effective trauma treatment, and finally, move a difficult past experience out of your present life.

Anxiety vs. stress: Understanding The Difference And When to Get Help

Stress and anxiety are normal reactions and emotions that everyone experiences at some point in their life. However, if stress and anxiety become unmanageable, both can result in severe mental and physical health issues. The good news is that anxiety disorders and chronic stress are both 100% treatable. Our Anxiety Therapists at Therapy Cincinnati specializes in providing therapeutic support for those struggling with stress and/or anxiety. Understanding the difference between stress and anxiety and knowing when to request professional support are the first steps towards finding relief and developing effective emotional management.

What is stress?

Stress is our body’s normal response to any situation that is not pleasant or normal. The stress response can be physical, mental, or emotional, and everyone responds differently to different stressors. Heavy workload, demanding home responsibilities, traumatic experiences, or major life changes such as a death, job loss, or divorce are all common triggers that can activate a stress response. Although stressful situations are challenging they are typically manageable, and a small dose of stress can motivate us in positive and productive ways to accomplish a task. However, if stress becomes overwhelming or persists then side effects such as depression, physical pain, digestive issues, heart disease, weight loss/gain, and insomnia can put your mental and physical health at extreme risk.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is another normal reaction that most people experience. Important events, life moments, tests, high-stake assignments, social interactions, pandemics, or traveling can all elicit nervous sensations of fear and worry. The symptoms of anxiety can be the same as the side effects of stress, but anxiety has a unique type of paralyzing symptom. Anxiety can leave people physically unable to respond to a text or phone call, go to work, or even breath. People who struggle with anxiety might miss out on events, avoid social interactions, and be absent from work more often than normal. Anxiety can render someone completely powerless to perform even mundane tasks. Chronic anxiety, or anxiety that consistently reoccurs over an extended period even in the absence of stressful situations, may indicate an anxiety disorder.

The difference between the two

More often than not stress tends to be an external issue, for example a critical and high-profile work project with a tight deadline. If you are not coping with externally stressful situations yet you still feel emotionally distressed, you are likely dealing with anxiety. Additionally, stress triggers tend to have a universally shared stress response meaning that most people will experience a stress reaction in response to a stress trigger. Anxiety tends to be experienced at a more personal level, and someone coping with anxiety might have trouble explaining why they are worried or fearful. In this way, someone struggling with anxiety might have a reaction that seems unusually excessive and outsized for the reality of the situation.

When to get help

Fortunately, anxiety and stress are completely treatable. If you are reading this wondering if you might need help, then chances are you would benefit from anxiety and stress therapy. However, if you are still unsure if you need professional support, then the checklist below should help you. If you answer yes to even one of the questions below, then Therapy Cincinnati wants to help you find relief. Our Anxiety Therapists offer effective anxiety therapy and can provide helpful stress management support. Have you had a significant life change recently such as a death in the family, a trauma, a divorce, car accident, or other major event?

1.      Has your stressful situation negatively influenced one or more of your relationships?

2.      Are you experiencing chronic headaches, insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts, digestive issues, physical pain, or changes in your weight?

3.      Is your day-to-day life typically high stress?

4.      Do you miss more than one day of work each month on account of stress or anxiety?

5.      Do you fear or dread things that haven’t happened or are nonexistent even when you are not stressed?

6.      Have you missed out on an event or social interaction recently on account of high levels of anxiety?

7.      Have you recently had a panic attack?

8.      Do you avoid social interactions on a regular basis due to feelings of worry or fear?

9.      Do you experience emotional distress even when there is no stressful situation going on?

If you are ready to take the next step towards relief from your anxiety and developing strong stress management techniques, our Anxiety Therapists at Therapy Cincinnati will create a support plan uniquely curated to your specific needs. Therapy Cincinnati is ready to partner with you on your journey to finding comfort and healing. Please contact us today for a free, 15-minute phone consultation.

6 Surprising Benefits of EMDR Therapy

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing or EMDR, is a successful form of psychotherapy in which stimulation, commonly through eye movements, is used to help individuals cope with traumatic memories and emotions. The memories and emotions of the past also affect present experiences. Over the course of multiple therapy sessions, a licensed therapist guides the client through a total of eight phases.

As EMDR slowly gains more popularity and recognition in successful therapeutic interventions, there are many benefits of the therapeutic methods that may be surprising for potential therapy clients. Utilizing EMDR therapy is based on the idea that negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are the result of unprocessed memories. Let’s explore six of the most surprising benefits to EMDR therapy.

Encourages Communication

Traumatic experiences tend to move a person more inward, as a reaction or response to dealing with the threat of reliving the traumatic events. It is more common than not that people who have gone through trauma tend to keep their experiences to themselves. This is especially true for those who may feel that communicating their trauma experience will cause them to be judged, targeted, or burdensome on others.

EMDR encourages individuals to communicate their experiences step-by-step with a therapist. It challenges individuals to finally be able to verbalize their physical responses, thoughts, and memories. When these things can be communicated, it opens opportunities for true healing. Individuals may become empowered by knowing that they are survivors, and they have the power to assist others in their experiences through communication and connection.

Reshapes Past Events

With the trauma and mental health concerns that EMDR is used for as an intervention method, the history of EMDR began with helping people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). EMDR helps build connections between the physical body and the psychological mind, improving cognition. As traumatic events are broken down with a therapist during sessions, individuals can take a step back and see another viewing angle of the incident or incidents and reshape what occurred.

Creating a different vantage point or a new lens to see past events can be just as life altering as the traumatic events. This different view provides individuals control over the current life adaptations the trauma has created. Understanding how trauma has a daily effect on life can help reduce symptoms related to PTSD.

Relationships and Boundaries Change

Tapping into traumatic events or memories and processing them with a licensed therapist can be a challenge. On the other hand, the aftereffects of having processed and identified memories can lead individuals to feel empowered. With trauma keeping others at bay and being more closed up mentally and emotionally, opening back up from the therapeutic process can lead to other life changes.

Relationships and boundaries may change for the better. Suddenly there may be more confident energy and emotional incentive to relate differently with others in life. Having more self-assurance in dealing with other people, expressing viewpoints more openly and having stronger limits in boundaries are all positive relational outcomes. While some relationships can be improved, others are better left at their stuck point while moving on and exiting is the best outcome for continued growth.

No longer feeling burdened or burdensome and no longer being consumed with the idea that limits are destined to be breached can spark expectations for setting boundaries. EMDR helps find clarity and balance. Collaborating with a therapist, the therapeutic relationship can help place safe zones and boundaries to change relationships and set new boundaries with confidence.

Changes Reacting to Rationale

EMDR treats different conditions tied to panic or anxiety. Working through traumatic events and stress responses gives individuals the perspective needed to resist reacting and instead create rationale. Trauma triggers such as noises or smells that would have led to reexperiencing a trauma can now lead to minimizing the reaction and being able to examine the real safety threat from the stimuli. Essentially when the brain and body’s survival instinct (fight, flight, or freeze) is triggered, the reaction overpowers any rational thought or response.

Rather than allowing anxiety and survival instincts to kick in, EMDR can help desensitize. The freedom to face life’s problems with less grief, depression, and anxiety improves the quality of life. Therefore, EMDR therapy benefits include providing the ability to stay more present and engaged in everyday challenges.

Acceptance Creates Mental Strength

Getting better means coming to terms with identity, self-esteem, and the internal narratives that become the life story experiences lived each day. EMDR and guided therapeutic processing provides a calm, quick, and confident environment to learn to accept the past and move forward. Going through the therapeutic process helps individuals feel more powerful and eager to face anything else that keeps them from feeling their best.

After acknowledging the past and coming to terms with acceptance, the mental strength gained from the process can lead to no longer feeling intimidated. Traumatic memories are no longer repetitive, intrusive mental bullies. No longer having mental bullies can lead to finally feeling capable to leave the past in the past.

The negative feelings connected to the past lose power to sneak up and destroy the rest of a perfectly good day. Being aware of the past without leading to a sudden reaction or response which occurred previously can be empowering. No longer living with so much anxiety or panic provides empowerment to face uncertainty with courage and resilience.

The Brain’s Ability to Heal and Remember

A common EMDR therapy benefit is more accessible memories and an active dream state. EMDR therapy may awaken the brain, stimulating access to vivid detailed memory and REM sleep. Many EMDR clients report clear memories of their childhood including sights, smells, and sensations, all lost prior to therapy intervention.

Dreams and REM state can also be affected by making dreams feel real and often tapping into memories of relationships and experiences. The content in the new dreams can then be explored and used for increasing self-awareness. With triggering different dreams and REM sleep changes, individuals also realize the power of the brain’s ability to heal itself.

The brain can update old, negative perceptions with positive resolutions. The brain can heal and change in real time. With the brain’s ability to heal itself and update, EMDR seems to offer quick results. Therapy utilizing EMDR has proven to work quickly in those who include it in their interventions. This is a huge benefit for those who are struggling with the effects of PTSD and other types of anxiety, as living day-to-day without relief can be crippling.

Final Thoughts

EMDR therapy can improve the lives of those who utilize it in their therapy. The greatest benefit of all is that EMDR therapy helps to improve the lives of people who were negatively affected by mental triggers. As with any other type of therapy, the benefits that a person will see because of their participation in EMDR will be reflective of the effort they put into it. However, continuing the work allows for individuals to work through their trauma in a faster, less painful manner.

Looking for a licensed therapist in the Cincinnati area who incorporates EMDR to therapeutic interventions? Therapy Cincinnati has been using EMDR to help clients process traumatic events and empower a healthier, happier life experience. Feel free to contact us through our website and skip the phone tag.