How To Respond When Someone Criticizes Your Parenting

As a parent, it can be hard to hear criticism about your parenting skills. Whether it’s from family, friends, or even strangers, criticism can leave you feeling defensive and frustrated. It’s important to remember that every parent is doing their best, and that criticism of your parenting isn’t always personal. So, we’ll discuss how to respond to criticism of your parenting in a respectful and effective way. 

· Thank Them for Their Feedback 

No matter how much you love and care for your children, it can be difficult to hear criticism about your parenting. It’s natural to feel defensive when someone criticizes your parenting style or choices. Before you react, take a deep breath and thank the person for their feedback. Acknowledging their opinion is important, and by expressing gratitude, you show that you’re willing to listen. 

Expressing gratitude also helps diffuse some of the tension of the situation. Letting the person know that you value their opinion can help create a more open dialogue between the two of you. Of course, you don’t have to agree with them, but thanking them for their feedback can help set the tone for a more positive and productive conversation. 

By thanking someone for their feedback, you’re showing that you’re open to hearing other perspectives. This can make them feel respected and appreciated, and it’s an important step in creating a constructive dialogue. Even if it’s difficult to do, expressing gratitude shows that you’re willing to consider other points of view, and this can ultimately lead to more understanding and compromise. 

· Acknowledge That They May Be Right 

It can be difficult to accept criticism, especially when it comes to something as personal as parenting. When someone criticizes your parenting, it’s important to recognize that they may have a point, even if it doesn’t necessarily fit your own view of the situation. This doesn’t mean that you have to agree with them, but acknowledging that they may be right shows that you are open to other perspectives. 

It’s also important to remember that this criticism could potentially be helpful. Even though it might not feel like it at the moment, taking a step back and objectively considering the other person’s opinion could lead to beneficial changes in your parenting. Rather than getting defensive or retaliating against the criticism, consider it as an opportunity for growth and development. 

No one is perfect, and parenting is often a trial and error process. Acknowledging that someone else may be right shows humility and maturity, which will ultimately benefit both you and your child. Don’t take criticism as an attack; instead, take it as a chance to learn something new. 

· Explain Your Parenting Style

 When responding to criticism of your parenting, it is important to take a moment to explain your parenting style. Even if the criticism isn’t valid or you disagree with it, understanding why you are making the choices that you are can be an important part of responding to criticism. 

Start by summarizing your parenting philosophy in a few sentences. This can be helpful in both expressing and understanding the decisions you make as a parent. Consider why you choose certain strategies, what values you prioritize, and how you want your children to learn and grow. 

Take this opportunity to explain the goals you have for your children and the approach you’re taking to get there. You can also mention any successes you’ve had with this parenting style, as well as any challenges. 

It’s natural for others to have different opinions and perspectives on parenting. However, by explaining your parenting style and thought process, you can ensure that others have a better understanding of your choices and the reasons behind them. Doing this can help open up the dialogue for more constructive conversations about parenting. 

· Ask Them for Their Advice 

When someone is criticizing your parenting, it can be easy to get defensive. However, it's important to remain open and willing to listen. Instead of responding in anger, try asking the person for their advice. It shows them that you are willing to consider their opinion and that you value their input.  

When you ask for advice, try to do it in a respectful way. Explain that you understand their concerns and would like to learn more about their perspective. This will help make them feel heard and understood. After they have finished speaking, make sure to thank them for taking the time to talk with you. 

By asking the person for their advice, you demonstrate that you are open to learning and growing as a parent. Furthermore, it allows the person to feel like their opinion is valued and respected. Ultimately, this will help keep the conversation from escalating and provide a chance for everyone to work together towards a solution. 

· Ignore Them 

When you’ve decided that the criticism is not constructive or valuable, the best course of action may be to simply ignore it. You can choose to not engage in the conversation and focus instead on positive parenting. If someone makes a critical comment, you don’t have to engage in a debate or argument. You can simply ignore it and move on. 

Sometimes, people make critical comments simply to get a reaction. If someone is being intentionally hurtful, the best thing you can do is ignore them. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. Your child knows that you are doing the best you can, and that’s all that matters. 

Ignoring criticism can be hard, but it will help you stay focused on the positive and maintain your peace of mind. At the end of the day, you have to do what works best for your family, regardless of what other people say. 


No parent is perfect, and criticism can be a difficult thing to deal with. But by following the above steps, you can learn how to respond to criticism of your parenting in a constructive way. Instead of feeling discouraged or getting angry, you can use criticism as an opportunity to gain insight into how you can improve your parenting techniques. Remember, it’s ultimately up to you to decide how to raise your children and no one else’s opinion should dictate the choices you make.