Child Therapy

How Social Competition Affects Teens

Adolescence is a time of profound change, and social competition can significantly influence a teen's development. During this period, teens are figuring out who they are, often comparing themselves to others around them. Whether it’s about grades, appearance, or social media popularity, competition becomes a part of their daily lives.

Even though we in Cincinnati don’t have the same pressures teens in bigger cities may experience there is still plenty of competition amongst teens. While some competition can motivate growth, too much of it can lead to anxiety, self-esteem issues, and feelings of inadequacy. Understanding how social competition affects adolescents can help parents guide their teens toward healthier self-perception.

 Where Do Teens Face Competition?

One major impact of social competition on adolescents is the pressure to fit in. Teenagers are highly sensitive to the opinions of their peers, often fearing rejection or social exclusion. They may go to great lengths to be accepted, whether it’s by wearing the latest fashion trends or participating in popular activities. This can create stress as they try to meet the unspoken rules of their social circles. When they feel like they don’t measure up, it can lead to feelings of isolation or self-doubt.

 Social media has amplified competition for adolescents. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow teens to showcase their lives, but they also create a constant comparison game. Seeing carefully curated images of friends or influencers can make teens feel like their own lives are lacking. They might worry about not having enough followers, not looking a certain way, or not doing exciting things. This pressure to present a perfect image can negatively affect mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and body image issues. 

In school, academic competition is another common struggle for adolescents. As teens prepare for their future, they may feel intense pressure to excel academically. They compare their test scores, class ranks, and college acceptances with their peers. This competition can be motivating for some, but for others, it creates overwhelming stress. When a teen feels like they are constantly falling short, it can harm their self-esteem and lead to feelings of hopelessness. 

Athletic competition also plays a significant role in the lives of many adolescents. For teens involved in sports, the pressure to perform can be intense. They may compare their abilities to those of their teammates or competitors, feeling like they must constantly prove themselves. Injuries, burnout, or a lack of recognition can lead to frustration and disappointment. It’s important for teens to learn that their worth isn’t tied to their athletic performance, but this lesson can be hard to internalize in a competitive environment.  

Friendship dynamics can also become competitive during adolescence. Teenagers may compete for popularity or attention within their friend groups. Jealousy can arise when one friend seems to have more social success, leading to tension and conflicts. In some cases, this competition can result in toxic friendships where teens feel pressured to keep up with one another in harmful ways. This can make it difficult for adolescents to form authentic, supportive relationships.

 How Competition Can Hurt Teens

One of the most harmful effects of social competition is the internalization of negative self-talk. Adolescents may start to believe that they are only valuable if they meet certain standards, whether it’s being the smartest, the most attractive, or the most popular. This mindset can lead to chronic feelings of inadequacy and a constant need for validation from others. Over time, these beliefs can erode a teen's self-worth, making it difficult for them to feel confident in who they are.

How Can Parents Help Their Teen?

As a parent, it’s important to recognize the impact of social competition on your teen's mental health. Encourage open conversations where they can share their feelings without fear of judgment. Help them understand that everyone has their own strengths and that comparing themselves to others is not a true measure of their worth. Teach them to celebrate their own achievements, no matter how small, and remind them that they don’t have to be the best at everything to be valued.

Parents can also help by setting limits on social media usage. Encourage your teen to take breaks from social media and engage in offline activities that promote genuine connection and self-expression. Help them understand that what they see on social media isn’t always a true reflection of reality. By teaching them to critically evaluate the content they consume, you can reduce the pressure they feel to live up to unrealistic standards. 

Promoting a balanced perspective on competition is also crucial. Encourage your teen to see competition as a way to challenge themselves rather than as a measure of their self-worth, and that they are not what they accomplish. Teach them that it’s okay to fail and that setbacks are part of growth. Remind them that success is not only about winning but also about learning and improving. This mindset can help reduce the stress and anxiety that often accompany social competition.

How Teen Therapy in Cincinnati Can Help

If you notice that your teen is struggling with the effects of social competition, it may be time to seek professional support by finding a local Cincinnati therapist who works with adolescents. Therapy can provide a safe space for your teen to explore their feelings and develop healthier ways of coping with pressure. A therapist can help them build self-esteem, manage anxiety, and learn strategies to navigate competitive social environments. Sometimes, the objective perspective of a professional can make all the difference in helping your teen feel understood and supported. 

It’s also important for parents to practice empathy and patience during this time. Adolescents are navigating a world that’s constantly evaluating them, and it can feel overwhelming. Validate their feelings and let them know that it’s normal to feel pressure but that they don’t have to face it alone. By providing a stable support system at home, you can help your teen build resilience in the face of social competition.

In conclusion, social competition can have a significant impact on adolescents, affecting their mental health, self-esteem, and relationships. While competition can drive growth, too much of it can lead to stress, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy. As a parent, being aware of these pressures and providing support is key to helping your teen navigate this challenging time. Encouraging open communication, promoting balance, and seeking professional help when needed can make a huge difference in helping your teen thrive despite the pressures of social competition.

How Parenting Trends Affect Our Mental Health

Parenting is a journey filled with joy, challenges, and countless decisions. As society evolves, so do parenting trends, each bringing new expectations and pressures. These trends can significantly impact the mental health of both parents and children. It's essential to understand how these shifts influence our well-being. By recognizing these effects, we can take steps to maintain our mental health and seek professional support when needed. 

The Pressure of Perfection

 Modern parenting often comes with the pressure to be perfect. As we know, social media showcases perfection, but this extends to families as well. Social media creates images of picture-perfect families and sets unrealistic standards. Parents may feel they must live up to these ideals, leading to stress and anxiety. This constant comparison can be exhausting and damaging to self-esteem. It's crucial to remember that no family is perfect, and it's okay to have flaws. Not only that, most families are actually not perfect and have things going on. Seeking therapy can help manage these feelings and develop healthier perspectives. 

Helicopter Parenting 

Helicopter parenting involves being overly involved in every aspect of a child's life. While the intention is to protect and support, it can lead to anxiety and burnout for parents. Children may also feel pressured and lack independence, and finding a balance between involvement and allowing children to learn from their experiences is vital. Therapy can provide strategies for setting healthy boundaries and fostering autonomy in children. 

The Rise of Intensive Parenting

 Intensive parenting is another trend where parents invest immense time and energy into their children's activities and development. This can include packed schedules of extracurricular activities and constant supervision. While well-intentioned, this can leave parents feeling overwhelmed and children feeling stressed. It's important to prioritize downtime and self-care for both parents and children so that everyone has a chance to rest and rejuvenate.

Technology and Parenting 

Technology has transformed parenting in many ways. It offers tools for education and entertainment but also brings challenges like screen time management. Parents may struggle with balancing tech use and ensuring meaningful family interactions. Excessive screen time can impact mental health, leading to issues like anxiety and sleep disturbances. Establishing tech-free zones and times can improve family connections and mental well-being.

Parenting and Work-Life Balance

Balancing parenting and work responsibilities is a significant challenge in todays world. The expectation to excel in both areas can lead to stress and guilt, and many parents feel they are never doing enough at home or work. Finding a healthy work-life balance is crucial for mental health and enables parents to connect more with their children. Employers offering flexible work arrangements and parents setting realistic expectations can make a big difference.

Parenting Styles and Mental Health 

Different parenting styles, such as authoritative, permissive, and authoritarian, can impact mental health. Authoritative parenting, which combines warmth with structure, tends to promote the best outcomes. However, rigid or overly lenient styles can lead to issues like anxiety or behavioral problems. Understanding your parenting style and its effects on your child is important, and professional guidance can help refine your approach to support both your child's and your own mental health.

The Impact of Societal Expectations 

Societal expectations and cultural norms can add pressure to parenting. These expectations can vary widely and may conflict with personal beliefs or circumstances. Trying to meet these demands can cause stress and feelings of inadequacy. It's important to find a parenting approach that aligns with your values and works for your family.  

The Importance of Self-Care 

Self-care is often overlooked in the hustle of parenting. However, taking time for yourself is essential for maintaining mental health. This can include activities like exercise, hobbies, listening to music, playing games, or simply relaxing. Prioritizing self-care helps you recharge and be a more effective parent. Remember, it's okay to ask for help from friends, family, or professionals. If you struggle with self care, therapy can help you learn to focus on your needs and well-being.

Building a Support System 

Having a strong support system is vital for mental health, and this can include partners, family, friends, and community resources. Sharing experiences and challenges with others can also reduce feelings of isolation and stress, and can help you see how others care handling parenting challenges themselves. Building a network of support helps you navigate the ups and downs of parenting.


Parenting trends continually evolve, bringing new challenges and opportunities. Understanding how these trends affect mental health can help parents make informed choices. It's essential to prioritize self-care, seek professional support, and build a strong support system, and by doing so, parents can maintain their well-being and create a positive environment for their children. If you are struggling with parenting, you may find it helpful to talk with one of our therapists who can help you with parenting strategies and help you with a different perspective. Embrace the journey of parenting with compassion for yourself and your family.

7 Reasons to Seek Out a Therapist Who Specializes in Teens

When it comes to supporting the mental health of teenagers, parents often face the decision of whether to seek help from a generalist therapist who sees teens along with people of all ages, or a specialist in teen counseling. While both options can provide valuable support, there are compelling reasons why choosing a specialist in teen counseling may be more beneficial for your teenager's well-being. Here are seven reasons to consider: 

1. Expertise in Adolescent Development

Specialists in teen therapy have specialized training and expertise in the unique developmental stages and challenges faced by teenagers. They understand the complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors that shape adolescent behavior and emotions. This specialized knowledge allows them to tailor their approach to meet the specific needs of teenagers and address issues such as identity development, peer relationships, and academic stress.

2. Understanding of Teenage Issues

Teenagers often grapple with a range of more specific issues unique to teens, from academic pressures to peer relationships and relationships. Specialists in teen counseling are well-versed in the various challenges and issues that teenagers may encounter. They have experience working with adolescents and are familiar with the common mental health issues that affect this age group, such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem issues, and behavioral problems. They also know what teen depression, anxiety, and other mental health symptoms look like, as these often differ than the way adults experience these mental health issues.

3. Ability to Connect with Teens

As you can imagine, building a connection with teenagers requires a unique set of skills and approaches. Specialists in teen counseling are adept at connecting with teens and creating a safe and supportive environment for them to express themselves. They understand the importance of building trust and establishing a non-judgmental relationship with their teenage clients. This strong therapeutic alliance is essential for therapy to work.

4. Knowledge of Evidence-Based Interventions

Specialists in teen counseling are familiar with evidence-based interventions that have been shown to be effective in treating adolescent mental health issues. They stay updated on the latest research and best practices in teen counseling, ensuring that they provide quality care to their teenage clients. From cognitive-behavioral therapy to mindfulness-based interventions, they employ techniques that are tailored to the unique needs of teenagers and are the most effective way to help their clients.

5. Familiarity with Adolescent Culture

Teenage culture is constantly evolving, with new trends, technologies, and social dynamics emerging all the time. Specialists in teen counseling stay attuned to these changes and have a deep understanding of teenage culture. They are familiar with the influence of social media, peer group dynamics, and family dynamics on adolescent behavior and mental health. This awareness allows them to connect with teenagers on their level and address issues that are relevant to their lives. 

6. Collaboration with Parents and Families

Teen counseling often involves working closely with parents and families to support the teenager's mental health and well-being. Specialists in teen counseling understand the importance of family dynamics in shaping a teenager's behavior and emotional functioning. They collaborate with parents to develop strategies for supporting their teenager and fostering positive communication and relationships within the family.

7. Dedication to Teen Mental Health

Finally, specialists in teen counseling are passionate about supporting the mental health and well-being of teenagers. They are dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of teenagers and empowering them to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Their focus and expertise in teen counseling make them invaluable resources for teenagers and their families seeking support during this critical stage of development. 

In conclusion, while generalist therapists can provide valuable support, there are distinct advantages to choosing a specialist in teen counseling when seeking therapy for your teenager. From their expertise in adolescent development to their ability to connect with teenagers and their dedication to teen mental health, specialists in teen counseling are well-equipped to provide effective support and interventions tailored to the unique needs of teenagers.

At Therapy Cincinnati, we strongly believe that people get the best results when working with a therapist who specializes in whatever issue they are struggling with. That’s why all of our therapists specialize in certain areas of mental health, and teen mental health is no different. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation call with one of our teen therapists.

How to Talk to Your Kids about Sexual Harassment and Assault

In the delicate journey of parenting, sometimes we need to have crucial conversations that demand both care and candor. One such topic, often veiled in discomfort, is addressing sexual harassment and assault with our children. Many of us have heard of incidents locally, whether that is in Cincinnati or one of the suburbs.  It's a conversation that requires a thoughtful approach, fostering trust and open communication. While this is a broader topic, here are some starting tips to explore how to navigate this terrain, supporting your child's understanding while emphasizing their safety and well-being.

Establishing a Foundation of Trust

As parents, the foundation of any important conversation with our children is trust. Creating an environment where they feel safe to share their thoughts and ask questions is paramount. Begin by assuring them that you are there to listen without judgment. Utilize everyday moments, like dinner or car rides, to subtly introduce the notion that they can always come to you with their concerns.

As therapists who work with children in the Cincinnati area, we understand the importance of these dialogues. Our professionals can assist parents in developing effective communication strategies that encourage openness and honesty.

Introducing Age-Appropriate Conversations

The intricacies of sexual harassment and assault vary with age. Tailoring your conversation to your child's developmental stage is essential. For younger children, focus on boundaries, consent, and the importance of personal space. As they grow, the conversation can evolve to include discussions about different types of touch, online safety, and the concept of inappropriate behavior.

Utilizing Empathetic Language

Approaching the conversation with empathy is key. Acknowledge that the topic might be uncomfortable, but stress the importance of discussing it openly. Use language that is accessible to your child's level of understanding, explaining concepts without unnecessary complexity. Reassure them that these discussions are part of keeping them safe and ensuring their well-being.

In collaboration with our therapists, parents can explore empathetic communication techniques that strengthen the parent-child bond during such sensitive conversations.

Normalizing Boundaries and Consent

Empowering your child with the knowledge of personal boundaries and consent instills a sense of agency. Emphasize the importance of respecting others' boundaries and asserting their own. Encourage them to vocalize discomfort, teaching them that their feelings are valid. By normalizing these conversations, you equip your child with the tools to navigate relationships with confidence.

Addressing Gender Stereotypes

Sexual harassment and assault are not solely about physical actions; they also stem from ingrained societal beliefs. Discuss with your child the harmful impact of gender stereotypes and the importance of treating everyone with respect, irrespective of gender. Challenge traditional norms and emphasize the equality of all individuals.

Monitoring Online Presence

In the digital age, addressing online safety is integral to discussions about harassment. Educate your child about responsible online behavior, the potential risks, and the importance of reporting any inappropriate content or messages. Foster an environment where they feel comfortable discussing their online experiences openly.

Recognizing Warning Signs

Educate your child about the warning signs of inappropriate behavior. Emphasize the significance of trusting their instincts and seeking help if they ever feel uncomfortable. Ensure they know that reporting such incidents is not only encouraged but vital for their safety.

Our therapists provide parents offers parents support in recognizing and addressing warning signs through expert guidance and resources designed to empower both parents and children.

Seeking Professional Support

If, at any point, you find that the conversation becomes challenging or your child expresses distress, consider seeking professional support. Therapists at Therapy Cincinnati specialize in family dynamics and can provide a safe space for both parents and children to navigate difficult conversations.

Remember, open communication and a proactive approach are essential in addressing sexual harassment and assault with your children. By fostering a supportive environment and utilizing available resources, you equip them with the knowledge and resilience needed to navigate the complexities of the world around them.

Looking for help for you child? Begin teen counseling in person or online in Cincinnati OH by reaching out to us today!

What To Do When Your Child Gets Angry

As a practice in Cincinnati that has therapists that specialize in working with teens, we wanted to discuss a topic quite a few parents bring up to us: how should I best react when my child get’s angry?

Parenting is a remarkable journey filled with joy, but it also comes with challenges, and one of those challenges is helping your child navigate through their anger. It's crucial to understand that anger is a natural emotion, and as parents, you play a pivotal role in guiding your child through this emotional storm. In this article, we'll explore practical and empathetic strategies to help parents deal with their child's anger.

Acknowledge and Validate Their Feelings:

When your child expresses anger, the first step is to acknowledge and validate their feelings. Let them know that it's okay to feel angry and that their emotions are valid. Use empathetic phrases such as "I can see that you're upset" or "It's okay to feel mad sometimes." By validating their emotions, you create a safe space for them to express themselves without fear of judgment.

Encourage Open Communication:

Foster an environment where open communication is valued. Encourage your child to express why they are angry and listen attentively to what they have to say. Sometimes, children may struggle to articulate their feelings, so be patient and offer gentle prompts to help them verbalize their emotions. By establishing a pattern of open communication, you strengthen your bond with your child and help them build crucial emotional intelligence.

Teach Healthy Expression of Anger:

It's essential to teach children constructive ways to express their anger. Encourage them to use words to describe their feelings instead of resorting to physical expressions. Help them identify what triggered their anger and explore alternative ways to cope, such as taking deep breaths, drawing, or engaging in physical activities. Teaching healthy expression of anger equips your child with valuable skills for managing their emotions throughout their lives.

Model Calmness and Patience:

Children learn by observing their parents. When faced with your child's anger, model calmness and patience. Avoid responding with anger or frustration, as this may escalate the situation. Instead, demonstrate how to manage strong emotions by staying calm and composed. Your ability to handle challenging situations with poise serves as a powerful example for your child, showing them that it's possible to navigate anger in a healthy way.

Establish Consistent Boundaries:

Children thrive in an environment with clear and consistent boundaries. Establish rules that outline acceptable and unacceptable behaviors when it comes to expressing anger. Make sure your child understands the consequences of inappropriate expressions of anger, such as hitting or yelling. Consistent boundaries provide a sense of security for your child, helping them understand the expectations around expressing their emotions.

Create a Calming Environment:

Designate a calming space within your home where your child can retreat when they feel overwhelmed by anger. This could be a cozy corner with a few comforting items or a designated "quiet time" spot. Encourage your child to use this space when they need a break to cool down. Creating a calming environment offers a tangible solution for your child to manage their anger while promoting self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Encourage Problem-Solving:

Work with your child to find solutions to the issues that trigger their anger. Encourage them to think about alternative actions or responses that could help resolve the situation. This process empowers your child to be an active participant in finding solutions, fostering a sense of control over their emotions. It also teaches them problem-solving skills that will be valuable in various aspects of their lives.

Promote Positive Outlets for Anger:

Help your child discover positive outlets for their anger. Engage them in activities that provide a healthy release for strong emotions, such as sports, art, or music. Physical activities, in particular, can be effective in channeling excess energy associated with anger. By promoting positive outlets, you offer your child alternatives to express their anger constructively while engaging in activities they enjoy.

Offer Reassurance and Affection:

During moments of anger, your child may feel a range of emotions, including fear or insecurity. Offer reassurance and affection to let them know they are loved and supported. A comforting hug or reassuring words can go a long way in helping your child feel safe and understood. Reassurance reinforces the idea that it's okay to experience anger and that your love for them remains unwavering.

Know When to Seek Professional Help:

While most instances of childhood anger are a normal part of development, there may be situations where professional help is beneficial. If your child's anger seems extreme, persistent, or if it significantly interferes with their daily life, seeking the guidance of a mental health professional can provide additional support. A therapist or counselor can work with you and your child to explore underlying issues and develop tailored strategies for managing anger. We at Therapy Cincinnati have a few therapists that specialize in working with teens and the emotions that come with this time period.

In conclusion, helping your child navigate through anger involves a combination of empathy, communication, and guidance. By acknowledging their feelings, encouraging open communication, teaching healthy expressions of anger, modeling calmness, establishing consistent boundaries, creating calming environments, encouraging problem-solving, promoting positive outlets, offering reassurance, and knowing when to seek professional help, you provide a solid foundation for your child to develop essential emotional regulation skills. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and with patience and understanding, you can guide your child through the emotional storms toward a healthier and more resilient future.


Navigating the Storm: A Guide to Taming Information Overload in Parenting

Parenting can sometimes feel like sailing a ship through a stormy sea, with waves of information crashing down from all directions. In today's digital age, where information bombards us from every corner, managing this influx can be overwhelming. As parents, it's crucial to find a balance between staying informed and avoiding the information overload that can leave us feeling adrift. Let's explore some practical strategies to navigate these turbulent waters and maintain a sense of calm while raising our children.

Understanding the Waves:

First and foremost, it's essential to recognize that not all information is created equal. Just like waves in the ocean, some are gentle ripples while others can be fierce and disruptive. Identify reliable sources of information and focus on them. Consider the age-appropriateness of the content and whether it aligns with your family values. Understanding the nature of the information you encounter will help you distinguish between the helpful and the overwhelming.

Setting Sail with Prioritization:

Parenting often involves juggling multiple responsibilities, and information can add extra weight to the load. Take a moment to prioritize what truly matters to your family. Determine which aspects of parenting require your immediate attention and which ones can be addressed later. By creating a hierarchy of importance, you can focus on the most crucial aspects of your child's well-being and development, making it easier to navigate through the sea of information without feeling buried.

Building a Sturdy Ship:

Just as a well-built ship can withstand rough seas, establishing a solid foundation for your family can help you weather the storm of information overload. Create routines and structures that provide a sense of stability for both you and your children. A well-organized family environment can act as a compass, helping you stay on course even when the waves of information threaten to steer you off track. Consistent routines also contribute to a sense of security for your children, fostering a healthy and supportive family dynamic.

Embracing Digital Life Jackets:

In our modern age, technology serves as both a valuable tool and a potential source of overwhelming information. Instead of letting it pull you under, consider technology as your digital life jacket. Use apps, websites, and social media selectively to gather information that enhances your parenting journey. Utilize filters and set boundaries to avoid being inundated with irrelevant or conflicting advice. By taking control of your digital experience, you can transform technology into a helpful ally rather than a daunting adversary.

Finding Calm Waters Through Mindfulness:

In the midst of the information storm, finding moments of calm is essential. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to anchor yourself in the present. Whether it's a few minutes of deep breathing, a short walk in nature, or a moment of reflection, these practices can help you stay centered and better equipped to handle the challenges of parenting. As you cultivate mindfulness, you'll find it easier to navigate the seas of information without being swept away by the currents.

Weathering the Storm Together:

Parenting is not a solo voyage; it's a shared journey with your family. Communicate openly with your partner and children about the challenges of information overload. Encourage a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns. By fostering a sense of unity, you create a strong support system that can help your family navigate the stormy seas together. Share responsibilities and lean on each other to lighten the load.

Anchoring in Self-Compassion:

Amidst the chaos of parenting, it's crucial to be kind to yourself. Understand that no parent is perfect, and it's okay not to have all the answers. Give yourself the grace to learn and grow along with your children. Acknowledge the effort you put into parenting and celebrate the small victories. Practicing self-compassion acts as a sturdy anchor, keeping you grounded when the waves of information threaten to toss you about.

In conclusion, parenting in the age of information overload requires a delicate balance of staying informed without drowning in the sea of advice and opinions. By understanding the nature of the waves, prioritizing, building a sturdy foundation, embracing technology wisely, practicing mindfulness, fostering open communication, and anchoring in self-compassion, you can navigate these stormy waters with confidence. Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and with the right strategies, you can sail through parenthood with resilience and joy.

Talking to Teens About Binge Drinking

Hey there, concerned parents! We want to have a heartfelt conversation with you about a topic that might be on your minds – binge drinking among teens. We know it's a serious matter, and that's why we want to approach it in a caring and friendly way. So, let's dig into why this conversation is so crucial and how we can tackle it together. 

Understanding Binge Drinking 

Before we dive into this important topic, let's make sure we're all on the same page. Binge drinking refers to when a person consumes a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. It's not just about having a few drinks; it's about the potential risks that come with it. Binge drinking can have a negative impact on physical health, decision-making, and overall well-being.  

Why This Talk Matters  

You might be wondering, why are we discussing binge drinking? Well, here's the thing – having an open dialogue about this matter is crucial because it directly affects the safety and well-being of our teenagers. This conversation isn't about lecturing or imposing rules; it's about providing you with information and tools to help guide your teens toward responsible choices. We're all in this together, and your role as a supportive parent is invaluable. 

Getting Started 

Approaching the topic of binge drinking with your teens may seem daunting, but rest assured, we're here to help you navigate this conversation. Find a quiet and comfortable setting where you can have an open and honest dialogue. The goal is not to make anyone feel judged or cornered, but rather to create an environment where questions can be asked, thoughts can be shared, and understanding can flourish. 

Understanding the Risks 

Why is binge drinking concerning? Let's break it down a bit. Binge drinking can lead to a range of serious problems. It's not just about the immediate risks, like alcohol poisoning or accidents; it's also about the potential long-term effects on your teen's cognitive development and decision-making abilities. Imagine making important life choices with a clouded mind – not the best scenario, right? We'll use real-life stories to shed light on these risks without causing unnecessary fear. 

Dealing with Peer Pressure 

The influence of friends is a powerful factor in a teenager's life. This is where peer pressure comes into play. However, it's important to empower your teens to make their own decisions based on their values and beliefs. We'll talk about ways to encourage them to stand up for what they think is right, even if their friends have a different opinion. Building their confidence to say "no" when necessary is a vital life skill.  

Being Responsible 

The concept of responsibility is a critical one, especially when it comes to making choices about alcohol. We'll discuss the importance of moderation and responsible drinking. Explaining that having a small, legal amount of alcohol can be safer than excessive consumption is key. Additionally, we'll emphasize the significance of knowing one's limits and taking care of one's well-being.

 Finding Fun Alternatives 

You might be wondering, can teens have fun without resorting to binge drinking? Absolutely! Let's brainstorm creative alternatives that provide excitement and entertainment without the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. Engaging in sports, pursuing hobbies, participating in community service, or simply hanging out with friends can all be enjoyable and safe ways for your teens to have a good time. There are also lots of opportunities to do something fun in the Cincinnati area, whether that is Kings Island in the summer, or attending a Bengals game in the fall and winter months.

Listening and Asking Questions 

Your role as a parent also involves being a good listener. We'll explore the power of open-ended questions that encourage your teens to express their thoughts and feelings. Our goal is to create a space where they feel comfortable sharing, knowing that their opinions matter and are valued. Our approach is rooted in understanding, not judgment. 

Leading by Example 

You've heard the saying "actions speak louder than words," right? Well, that holds true when it comes to parenting too. Leading by example means demonstrating responsible behavior, including your own relationship with alcohol. If you choose to drink, show your teens how to do it in a safe and moderate way. Your actions can leave a lasting impact on their choices. 

Seeing the Warning Signs  

As parents, it's important to be aware of the signs that might indicate your teen is struggling with alcohol-related issues. We'll discuss these signs so you can recognize them early and take action if needed. Encouraging open communication and letting your teen know that seeking help is a sign of strength can make a significant difference. 

Wrapping Up 

Navigating the topic of binge drinking with your teens is about arming yourself with knowledge, compassion, and the tools to guide them toward responsible decisions. Our goal is to support you in fostering healthy conversations and safe choices. Remember, your role as a parent is invaluable, and your commitment to your teen's well-being is deeply appreciated. If you live in the Cincinnati area and have questions or need more guidance, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's work together to ensure our teens grow into responsible and well-informed young adults. 

How to Talk to Children About Death

Discussing death with children can be a challenging and sensitive topic. Since we are therapists who work with kids in the Cincinnati area, we understand the importance of open and honest communication in helping children navigate their emotions and develop a healthy understanding of death. In this article, we'll provide you with practical tips and guidance on how to talk to children about death in a compassionate and age-appropriate manner.

Create a Safe Space:

Before initiating a conversation about death, it's essential to create a safe and comfortable environment for your child. Find a quiet and uninterrupted space where they can feel secure and supported. Be prepared to give your undivided attention and provide a calm presence throughout the discussion.

Use Age-Appropriate Language:

When explaining death to a child, it's crucial to use language that they can understand. Younger children may not comprehend complex concepts like permanence or finality, so it's best to use simple and concrete terms. For example, you might say, "When someone dies, it means their body stops working, and they can't move, breathe, or feel anything."

Be Honest and Clear:

Children have a remarkable ability to sense when something is being kept from them. It's important to be honest about death, using clear and straightforward language. Avoid using euphemisms or vague expressions like "passed away" or "gone to sleep" since they can create confusion and lead to misunderstandings. Instead, use direct terms such as "died" or "dead" to help your child understand the reality of the situation.

Encourage Questions:

Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them, and discussing death should be no exception. Encourage your child to ask questions and provide them with age-appropriate answers. If you don't know the answer to a question, it's okay to admit it and offer to find the information together. Reassure them that it's normal to have questions and that they can always come to you for support.

Acknowledge Feelings:

Death can elicit a range of emotions, including sadness, confusion, anger, and even guilt. Let your child know that it's okay to feel these emotions and that everyone experiences them differently. Encourage them to express their feelings and assure them that their emotions are valid. Provide comfort and reassurance while letting them know that grief is a natural part of the healing process.

Be Patient and Understanding:

Children process information at their own pace, so be patient throughout the conversation. Allow your child to take breaks if needed and revisit the discussion when they feel ready. Remember that children might need multiple conversations about death as they grow and develop a deeper understanding of the concept. Adapt your approach as they age, providing more information and answering new questions that may arise.

Use Metaphors and Stories:

Metaphors and stories can be powerful tools to help children comprehend complex ideas surrounding death. For example, you might compare death to the end of a storybook or the closing of a chapter in a book, emphasizing that life continues in memories and the impact a person has left behind. Use age-appropriate books or movies that address death as a starting point for further discussion.

Discuss Rituals and Remembrance:

Exploring rituals and remembrance can provide children with a sense of closure and help them navigate their grief. Discuss various cultural or religious practices around death, such as funerals, memorials, or creating a memory box. Allow your child to participate in rituals if they desire and encourage them to find their unique ways to honor and remember their loved ones.

In conclusion, talking to children about death is a challenging task, but by approaching the conversation with empathy, honesty, and patience, you can provide them with the understanding and support they need to navigate this difficult topic. Remember that every child is unique, and their reactions and questions may vary. By fostering open communication and creating a safe space for dialogue, you can help children develop a healthy understanding of death and grief, enabling them to navigate these emotions in a positive and resilient manner.

How Does a Secure Attachment Help Your Child?

Today, let's dive into a topic close to every parent's heart: developing a secure attachment with your child. As therapists who work with children and teens, we have witnessed the profound impact that a secure attachment can have on a child's emotional well-being and development. In this article, we'll explore what secure attachment means, why it's important, and practical strategies you can use to foster a secure attachment with your child.

Understanding Secure Attachment 

Secure attachment refers to the emotional bond and sense of safety that develops between a child and their primary caregiver. It lays the foundation for healthy social and emotional development, self-esteem, and relationships throughout a child's life. A secure attachment allows children to explore the world, regulate their emotions, and develop trust in their caregivers.

 The Impact of Secure Attachment

 A secure attachment provides numerous benefits for children, including: 

Emotional Resilience: Children with secure attachments tend to have greater emotional resilience, meaning they can better cope with stress and setbacks in life. 

Positive Self-Image: Securely attached children develop a positive self-image and greater self-esteem. They believe in their abilities and worthiness. 

Healthy Relationships: Secure attachment sets the stage for healthy relationships later in life. These children tend to have more positive and fulfilling connections with others. 

Emotional Regulation: Through secure attachment, children learn to regulate their emotions effectively. They feel safe seeking comfort from their caregiver when needed and develop healthy coping strategies. 

Strategies to Foster a Secure Attachment 

Responsive and Attuned Parenting: Responding to your child's needs promptly and consistently helps them feel secure and understood. Be attentive to their cues, provide comfort when they're upset, and engage in nurturing interactions.

 Create a Safe and Predictable Environment: Establish a stable and predictable routine. Consistency and predictability help children feel secure and develop a sense of trust in their environment. 

Practice Active Listening and Validation: Show genuine interest in your child's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Active listening and validating their emotions foster a sense of being seen and understood. 

Foster Trust and Dependability: Build trust by following through on your commitments and promises to your child. This helps them feel secure in their relationship with you. 

Engage in Play and Quality Time: Regularly engage in play and quality time with your child. This creates opportunities for connection, bonding, and shared positive experiences. 

Practice Reflective Parenting: Reflect on your own emotions and reactions. By being aware of your own emotional responses, you can respond to your child in a calm and regulated manner, modeling healthy emotional regulation. 

Encourage Independence and Exploration: Support your child's exploration of the world while providing a secure base to return to. Encouraging independence helps them develop confidence and resilience. 

Establish Boundaries with Love: Set clear and consistent boundaries for your child while showing them love and empathy. Boundaries provide structure and help children understand expectations. 

Mindful Parenting: Practice being present and attentive in your interactions with your child. Mindful parenting allows you to respond to their needs with intention and compassion. 

Seek Support and Self-Care: Parenting can be challenging, and it's essential to take care of your own well-being. Seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals when needed. Engaging in self-care helps you show up as the best version of yourself for your child. 

Remember, building a secure attachment is an ongoing process. It's normal to have challenging moments, and mistakes happen. What matters most is maintaining a nurturing and loving relationship with your child and continuously working on strengthening your bond. 


Developing a secure attachment with your child is one of the most precious gifts you can give them. By providing a safe and nurturing environment, being attuned to their needs, and fostering trust and connection, you lay the groundwork for their healthy emotional development and future relationships. Remember, you are the most important person in your child's life, and your love and support are the foundation on which they will flourish. Embrace the journey of parenthood with patience, compassion, and a commitment to building a secure attachment with your child

How Gen Z Is Different From Other Generations

As Cincinnati therapists who specialize in working with teens and young adults, we have worked with people of different generations, and it’s clear that each generation has unique characteristics. Today, let’s discuss Generation Z, or Gen Z, and how they differ from previous generations of teens and young adults.

First, let’s define what Gen Z is. Gen Z refers to those born between 1997 and 2012, which means that the oldest members of this generation are now in their mid-20s, while the youngest are just entering their teenage years. This generation is often referred to as the digital natives, as they have grown up in a world where technology is ubiquitous. Here are some of the ways that this generation differs from teens of the past:

Greater emphasis on social justice and equality

Gen Z is growing up in a world that is increasingly diverse, and they are more likely to have friends and classmates from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. They are also more likely to be aware of and concerned about social justice issues, such as inequality and discrimination. This has led to a more socially conscious and politically active generation that is not afraid to speak out about issues they care about.

Increased focus on mental health

Compared to previous generations, Gen Z is more likely to openly discuss mental health and seek support when needed. This is partly due to the efforts of mental health advocates, but also because this generation has grown up in a world where mental health issues are more widely recognized and discussed. They are also more likely to view mental health issues as an illness, rather than a weakness.

Higher levels of anxiety and stress

Despite being more open about mental health, Gen Z also faces higher levels of anxiety and stress than previous generations. This may be due to a number of factors, including the pressure to succeed in school and the workplace, as well as the constant exposure to social media and technology. Many teens in this generation report feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with the demands of modern life.

Greater acceptance of diversity

Gen Z is the most diverse generation in history, with a greater representation of different racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. This has led to a greater acceptance of diversity and a more inclusive attitude towards others. Gen Z is more likely to embrace different identities and lifestyles, including gender and sexual orientation, and they are more likely to advocate for the rights of marginalized communities.

Increased use of technology to communicate

While previous generations relied heavily on face-to-face communication, Gen Z has grown up communicating through text messages, social media, and video chats. This means that they are skilled at multitasking and communicating quickly and efficiently, but it can also lead to difficulties in reading social cues and developing strong interpersonal skills. In addition, there is a greater risk of cyberbullying and other online threats.

Pressure To Succeed

One of the biggest challenges facing Gen Z is the increased pressure to succeed. They are often described as the most competitive and driven generation, with high expectations from parents and society. This pressure can lead to stress and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on their mental health.

Education and Work

Finally, Gen Z is unique in the way that they approach education and work. They are more likely to pursue non-traditional educational paths, such as online learning and vocational training. They are also more likely to prioritize work-life balance over their careers, which can lead to a different approach to work than previous generations.

As parents and friend of Gen Z’s, we need to recognize that they have grown up in a different world than we did and that they may have different needs and concerns. We need to be mindful of their relationship with technology, their attitude towards social issues, and their communication style.

It's also important to recognize the unique challenges that Gen Z faces, such as the pressure to succeed, anxiety, and the need for work-life balance. By understanding these challenges, we can better support them in achieving their goals and maintaining their mental health.

Because of this, it’s important for a Gen Z young adult or teen to have a therapist who has experience working with Gen Z clients. Too often, people will tell us that their previous therapist didn’t “get them” and they had to explain too much to their therapist.

We at Therapy Cincinnati have several therapists who specialize in working with Gen Z clients. They have worked primarily with Gen Z teens and YA’s to this point, and they get them. If you are a Gen Z client or have a child who is a Gen Z child, you can reach out to get started with a therapist who understands you or your child. By providing support and resources to help them manage their mental health, we can help Gen Z adults and teens navigate the challenges of growing up in a

Paying Attention To Our Child's Mental Health

As therapists in Cincinnati, we cannot stress enough the importance of paying attention to your child's mental health. While physical health is often given more attention, it is equally important to prioritize our mental and emotional wellbeing. As a parent or caregiver, you play a crucial role in your child's mental health. Here are some tips on how to be attentive to your child's mental health:  

Start with open communication

One of the most important things you can do is to establish open communication with your child. Create an environment where your child feels comfortable sharing their feelings and thoughts with you. Encourage them to talk about how their day went, what they are feeling, and any worries or concerns they may have. Active listening is key - this means giving your child your undivided attention and responding empathetically to what they are saying. 

Observe your child's behavior

While communication is essential, children may not always feel comfortable talking about their emotions. That's why it's important to observe your child's behavior. Notice any changes in their mood, sleep patterns, eating habits, or academic performance. If you notice any sudden changes or prolonged negative behaviors, it may be a sign that your child is struggling and needs additional support.

While it's important to be attentive to your child's mental health, it's equally important to respect their privacy and autonomy. Avoid prying or being overly intrusive. Instead, try to create a safe and supportive environment where your child feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings with you. 

Encourage healthy habits

Encouraging healthy habits is another way to support your child's mental health. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and engaging in physical activity. Exercise has been shown to boost mood and reduce stress, so consider incorporating physical activities into your family's routine. Additionally, limit screen time and encourage activities that promote relaxation, such as mindfulness exercises or reading. 

Foster a sense of belonging

Children need to feel like they belong and are valued. Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities, hobbies, or sports teams that interest them. This can help them build friendships and develop a sense of purpose. Additionally, make sure your child feels heard and validated. Let them know that their thoughts and feelings matter. 

Seek professional help when needed

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, our children may need professional help. It's also important to be aware of risk factors for mental health issues such as a family history of mental health issues, a history of trauma or abuse, and chronic stress. If your child has any of these risk factors, it's important to be extra vigilant about their mental health.

Don't hesitate to seek out the support of a mental health professional if you notice persistent negative behaviors or if your child is struggling with a specific issue such as anxiety or depression. A therapists can provide assessment, therapy, and other interventions to help your child manage their emotions and improve their mental health. The good news is that you can find therapists who offer telehealth sessions as well as in person sessions, right here in Cincinnati. You can choose whichever format works best for you and your child.

Take care of yourself

As a caregiver, it's important to prioritize your own mental health as well. Make sure you are taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, exercise, and social support. Avoid taking on too much and make time for relaxation and self-care. By taking care of your own mental health, you will be better equipped to support your child's mental health. 

It's important to remember that mental health is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. Just like physical health, mental health requires ongoing attention and care. By creating a safe and supportive environment at home, monitoring for changes in behavior, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can help support your child's mental health. 

In conclusion, being attentive to your child's mental health is essential for their overall wellbeing. By establishing open communication, observing your child's behavior, encouraging healthy habits, fostering a sense of belonging, seeking professional help when needed, and taking care of yourself, you can help support your child's mental health. Remember, it's never too early or too late to start prioritizing mental health.

What Are Signs of Helicopter Parenting?

Helicopter parenting is when moms and dads are very involved in their children's lives and tend to be overprotective. These parents might be too controlling and always want to know where their kids are, who they're with, and what they're doing. They might also try to solve every problem for their children and rescue them from difficult situations. Helicopter parents often want their children to do well, but they can sometimes do too much for them, which can prevent them from learning important life skills. In short, helicopter parenting is when parents are very protective and involved in their children's lives, sometimes to a fault.

So, what are the signs of helicopter parenting? Here are a few indicators to look out for:


Helicopter parents are moms and dads who are very protective of their children. They want to keep them safe from everything that might cause harm, even if it means not letting them do things that other kids do. Sometimes, they even try to solve every problem for their children and rescue them from challenging situations. This might seem like a good thing, but it can prevent kids from  growing up and becoming strong and independent adults.


Helicopter parents may micromanage their children's schedules and activities. They may sign their children up for multiple after school activities or fill their schedules with back-to-back appointments. They may also obsess over their children's homework, school projects, and grades, and even complete the work for them. This can be overwhelming for children, and it can prevent them from exploring their interests and hobbies.

Lack of boundaries

Helicopter parents may struggle to establish healthy boundaries with their children. They may be too involved in their children's lives and have difficulty giving their children space to make their own decisions. They may also struggle to set limits on their children's behavior, which can lead to children feeling entitled and lacking in self-discipline.

Constant communication

Helicopter parents may have difficulty letting their children go, even as they grow older. They may insist on constant communication, texting or calling their children several times a day. This can be suffocating for children, and it can prevent them from developing independence and self-reliance.

Difficulty with transitions

Helicopter parents may struggle with letting their children experience natural transitions, such as starting school or moving away to college. They may struggle to let go of their children, and they may become overly involved in their children's lives during these transitions. This can prevent children from developing the skills they need to thrive independently.  

So, what are the consequences of helicopter parenting? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Lack of independence

Children who are raised by helicopter parents may struggle to develop independence and self-reliance. They may have difficulty making decisions on their own, and they may lack the confidence to try new things.

Anxiety and depression

Helicopter parenting can also contribute to anxiety and depression in children. Children may feel overwhelmed by their parents' expectations and micromanaging, and they may struggle to find joy in their activities and hobbies.

Poor self-esteem

Helicopter parenting can also contribute to poor self-esteem in children. When parents solve every problem for their children and prevent them from experiencing failure, children may begin to doubt their abilities and feel incapable of handling challenges on their own.

Relationship problems

Helicopter parenting can also affect children's relationships with their peers and family members. Children may struggle to form healthy relationships, as they may lack the social skills and confidence needed to navigate social situations. 

Here are some things parents can do to avoid being "helicopter parents": 

Let your child be independent: It's good for your child to learn how to do things on their own. Let them make choices and give them some responsibilities. This can help them feel more confident.

Set boundaries: It's important to have rules and consequences for your child's behavior. Let them experience natural consequences, rather than trying to protect them from everything.

Take care of yourself: As a parent, it's easy to focus all your energy on your child, but it's important to take care of yourself too. Make sure to take breaks and do things you enjoy.

Don't over-schedule your child: Let your child have time to play and explore. This can help reduce stress for both you and your child.

Trust your child: It's important to trust your child's judgment and give them space to make mistakes and learn from them. 

Don't micromanage: It's okay to offer guidance and support, but try not to control every aspect of your child's life.

Be present but not overbearing: Be available to your child, but also give them space to learn and grow on their own.

Remember that being a parent is a journey, and it's okay to make mistakes. By encouraging independence, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care, you can help your child become a confident and capable adult.

How To Respond When Someone Criticizes Your Parenting

As a parent, it can be hard to hear criticism about your parenting skills. Whether it’s from family, friends, or even strangers, criticism can leave you feeling defensive and frustrated. It’s important to remember that every parent is doing their best, and that criticism of your parenting isn’t always personal. So, we’ll discuss how to respond to criticism of your parenting in a respectful and effective way. 

· Thank Them for Their Feedback 

No matter how much you love and care for your children, it can be difficult to hear criticism about your parenting. It’s natural to feel defensive when someone criticizes your parenting style or choices. Before you react, take a deep breath and thank the person for their feedback. Acknowledging their opinion is important, and by expressing gratitude, you show that you’re willing to listen. 

Expressing gratitude also helps diffuse some of the tension of the situation. Letting the person know that you value their opinion can help create a more open dialogue between the two of you. Of course, you don’t have to agree with them, but thanking them for their feedback can help set the tone for a more positive and productive conversation. 

By thanking someone for their feedback, you’re showing that you’re open to hearing other perspectives. This can make them feel respected and appreciated, and it’s an important step in creating a constructive dialogue. Even if it’s difficult to do, expressing gratitude shows that you’re willing to consider other points of view, and this can ultimately lead to more understanding and compromise. 

· Acknowledge That They May Be Right 

It can be difficult to accept criticism, especially when it comes to something as personal as parenting. When someone criticizes your parenting, it’s important to recognize that they may have a point, even if it doesn’t necessarily fit your own view of the situation. This doesn’t mean that you have to agree with them, but acknowledging that they may be right shows that you are open to other perspectives. 

It’s also important to remember that this criticism could potentially be helpful. Even though it might not feel like it at the moment, taking a step back and objectively considering the other person’s opinion could lead to beneficial changes in your parenting. Rather than getting defensive or retaliating against the criticism, consider it as an opportunity for growth and development. 

No one is perfect, and parenting is often a trial and error process. Acknowledging that someone else may be right shows humility and maturity, which will ultimately benefit both you and your child. Don’t take criticism as an attack; instead, take it as a chance to learn something new. 

· Explain Your Parenting Style

 When responding to criticism of your parenting, it is important to take a moment to explain your parenting style. Even if the criticism isn’t valid or you disagree with it, understanding why you are making the choices that you are can be an important part of responding to criticism. 

Start by summarizing your parenting philosophy in a few sentences. This can be helpful in both expressing and understanding the decisions you make as a parent. Consider why you choose certain strategies, what values you prioritize, and how you want your children to learn and grow. 

Take this opportunity to explain the goals you have for your children and the approach you’re taking to get there. You can also mention any successes you’ve had with this parenting style, as well as any challenges. 

It’s natural for others to have different opinions and perspectives on parenting. However, by explaining your parenting style and thought process, you can ensure that others have a better understanding of your choices and the reasons behind them. Doing this can help open up the dialogue for more constructive conversations about parenting. 

· Ask Them for Their Advice 

When someone is criticizing your parenting, it can be easy to get defensive. However, it's important to remain open and willing to listen. Instead of responding in anger, try asking the person for their advice. It shows them that you are willing to consider their opinion and that you value their input.  

When you ask for advice, try to do it in a respectful way. Explain that you understand their concerns and would like to learn more about their perspective. This will help make them feel heard and understood. After they have finished speaking, make sure to thank them for taking the time to talk with you. 

By asking the person for their advice, you demonstrate that you are open to learning and growing as a parent. Furthermore, it allows the person to feel like their opinion is valued and respected. Ultimately, this will help keep the conversation from escalating and provide a chance for everyone to work together towards a solution. 

· Ignore Them 

When you’ve decided that the criticism is not constructive or valuable, the best course of action may be to simply ignore it. You can choose to not engage in the conversation and focus instead on positive parenting. If someone makes a critical comment, you don’t have to engage in a debate or argument. You can simply ignore it and move on. 

Sometimes, people make critical comments simply to get a reaction. If someone is being intentionally hurtful, the best thing you can do is ignore them. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. Your child knows that you are doing the best you can, and that’s all that matters. 

Ignoring criticism can be hard, but it will help you stay focused on the positive and maintain your peace of mind. At the end of the day, you have to do what works best for your family, regardless of what other people say. 


No parent is perfect, and criticism can be a difficult thing to deal with. But by following the above steps, you can learn how to respond to criticism of your parenting in a constructive way. Instead of feeling discouraged or getting angry, you can use criticism as an opportunity to gain insight into how you can improve your parenting techniques. Remember, it’s ultimately up to you to decide how to raise your children and no one else’s opinion should dictate the choices you make.

What Is Masked Depression In Kids?

As a parent it can be difficult to know when your child is suffering from depression – after all, they are just kids!

However, there are signs you can look out for that might suggest they are struggling with something more serious than just typical childhood angst.

If you want more resources concerning teenage/childhood depression feel free to connect with us to find the right child therapist in Cincinnati.

What is masked depression?

Masked depression is a term that was actually used back in the 70’s and 80’s, and has mostly been retired since then. However, it has come back into use recently when describing how children may be feeling, since children are especially good at hiding symptoms that may indicate depression. Masked depression, or smiling depression, is essentially the condition wherein a person (or teenager/child in this instance), is experiencing the physical symptoms of depression but they are not showing /feeling the psychological and/or mood symptoms that come along with depression. Some children with depression have been known to walk around smiling, and appearing to be having fun and enjoying themselves. Hence the term, “masked depression”.

A child or teenager who's struggling with depression may:

  • Have changes in eating habits (e.g., binge eating)

  • Have trouble sleeping or sleeping too much

  • Lose interest in things they used to enjoy doing (e.g., sports)

  • An unexplained decrease in grades

  • Isolating themselves from friends and family

  • Finding it harder to have open conversations with your child

All this may occur while your child may seem like their normal self.

How to know if your teenager might be suffering from masked depression?

Depression in children, and teenagers in particular can be hard to spot. Their symptoms are very different from adults and they normally try to hide their feelings from their parents, possibly out of fear or shame. Parents need to be aware of the signs that their child might be suffering from masked depression.

Teenagers may also become defensive toward their parents if their parents did question them as to whether or not they may be feeling depressed.

Since masked depression can be somewhat tricky to notice with the lack of psychological mood changes, it’s possible that the teenager/child doesn’t even realize they are experiencing this type of depression.

Why it’s important to be looking for masked depression in young people

Depression is a serious illness that affects the body and mind. The signs of depression can be subtle, but they are often present in young people who are experiencing it. Research has shown that approximately 13% of teens in the US struggled with depression, and that number has increased exponentially during Covid. It’s important to be on the lookout for depression in our children as it can lead to other mental health issues and physical health problems if left unchecked.

One of the biggest ways we can help a child improve their mood and reduce feelings of depression is through talking about what they are going through. Very simply, feelings of depression thrive on secrecy, shame, and trying to let others know what we are going through. Some have even suggested that the core of depression may be a repression of feelings, especially anger. With this in mind, it’s critical that parents be able to be on the lookout for a change in mood and behavior of their child.

It's important for us as parents not only because of this increased risk factor but also because many of our children will experience some form of adversity during their lives—and without proper support systems and coping mechanisms in place, before an event occurs, those events could lead them down an unhealthy and lonely path.


It’s never too late to start helping your children develop healthy habits.

Even if you aren’t worried or have any suspicions that your child might be suffering from masked depression, you should take the time to sit down and talk with your child or teenager about depression in general so that they know and understand you love them and will always be available to them if they need your support and help if they ever do struggle with any type of depression.

Contact us if you need teen therapy in Cincinnati or more parenting resources to help with your child’s mental health needs. 

Coping With Parenting Insecurities

As a parent, all you want is to know you have raised your children to be ready to take on the world one day independently. When they are young, it may be overwhelming not only for you, but for them as you try to truly understand why each other does certain things. As a new parent, it can be especially nerve wrecking because every child and every home life is different. You may also have little to no experience raising a child.  

When it comes to parenting, you want the best for your children, and you want them to be the best they can be. Since children are not born inherently knowing right from wrong or what is socially and culturally acceptable, it becomes the parent’s job to teach them.  

This is where parental guilt comes into the picture. Many of us worry that we’re not doing a good enough job as a parent, and these feelings of self-doubt are only intensified by the photos of picture-perfect families that dominate our social media feeds. In fact, some studies have shown that 73 percent of moms say they try to give the impression that their life is under control.


 1.     It’s important to assess whether these behaviors are appropriate for their age and developmental status. Speak with your doctor about what types of behaviors are appropriate for your child based on their age and cognitive. However, a therapist may have better insight into how certain behaviors may be linked to things like ADHD or Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

2.     Going over rules with your child is a great way to make sure there is communication between both parties. The most important part of setting rules and making sure your child follows them is to also make sure they understand why those rules are set in place. It is also important to make sure those rules are age appropriate. Teaching your child about healthy boundaries and rules early on is also setting them up to have healthy boundaries later in life.  

3.     Recognize that children may have personalities that are quiet and shy, or very loud and boisterous. If this is the case, it is okay to accept that it is part of their personality. Your child’s behavior may be bad, but your child themselves is not bad. It is important to distinguish this especially when talking to them about their negative behaviors. 

4.     Make sure to praise your child when they are doing good behaviors, listening well, and following rules that you have discussed with them. Show them appropriate affection often and use words to affirm good behaviors.  


1. Stop trying to be perfect: There’s no such thing as a perfect parent, and striving for this unachievable goal will inevitably lead to disappointment. Give yourself a break and simply do the best you can. If you feel chronically overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to seek counseling from a professional. But first, let the perfection aspirations go!

2. Acknowledge that you can’t do it all: According to research, nearly 40 percent of full-time working mothers say they always feel rushed. It’s ok to delegate and allow others to help. Divide parenting and household duties with your spouse. Pay a neighborhood teen to supervise your children or swap services with another parent so you can go to the grocery store and prepare dinner after work.

3. Seek to understand and support your child’s needs: Instead of jumping to the conclusion that your child’s tantrum or rebellion is a result of you failing as a parent, seek to understand the reason for his outburst. Is he overly tired? Has he gone too long without a snack? Does he need a hug? Look for the simple solution first. If the behavior continues, seek support from a licensed child therapist who can provide therapy and parenting support.

4.       Make time for self-care: If you aren’t taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to be present and provide the best care for your child. Take some time after work to listen to a guided relaxation or sneak in a quick workout before you head home. Listen to your body’s signals, get enough sleep and make sure to eat some veggies every day, too! 

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, you or your child may benefit from talking to a therapist who has a better understanding of children and their behaviors, and how you as a parent can help. At Therapy Cincinnati, we have therapists that specialize in working with parents who could use more support with parenting their children, and we also have therapists that specialize in working with children. Please reach out to us to schedule your free phone consultation.