What is Attachment-Focused EMDR?

Attachment trauma can deeply impact our relationships, sense of self, and emotional well-being. While attachment trauma effects both men and women, women often face unique challenges and experiences that shape their attachment patterns and relationships. If you've experienced attachment trauma, you're not alone, and there is hope for healing. Our local Cincinnati therapists have specialized training in attachment that can help you move forward in life.

One of more frequently used tools is Attachment-focused Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (AF-EMDR), which is a sub specialty within EMDR therapy that specifically targets attachment trauma and its impact on an individual's sense of security, trust, and relationships. This therapeutic approach integrates principles of attachment theory with EMDR techniques to address attachment-related wounds and promote healing.  

Understanding Attachment Trauma 

Attachment trauma occurs when our early experiences with caregivers are disrupted or unhealthy, leading to difficulties in forming secure attachments later in life. These experiences may include neglect, abuse, separation from caregivers, or inconsistent caregiving. For women, attachment trauma can manifest in various ways, impacting our relationships, self-esteem, and ability to trust others. It's important to recognize the signs of attachment trauma, such as fear of abandonment, difficulty forming close relationships, and feelings of unworthiness. 

Here's how attachment-focused EMDR can help individuals who have experienced attachment trauma: 

1. Addressing Core Attachment Wounds:

In attachment-focused EMDR, we address deep emotional wounds from past relationships. These wounds, like feeling abandoned, uncared for, or rejected, can make us feel insecure and unworthy in our current relationships. By working on these hurts and emotionally healing from them, we can start feeling better about ourselves and improve our connection to others. 

2. Repairing Attachment Bonds: Repairing attachment bonds is a big part of this therapy. It's like building a strong bridge between you and your therapist, where you feel safe and understood. Through therapy, you get to experience what it's like to be cared for and supported, which helps you trust others more. You also work on current relationships in your life, and how to deepen them and connect more.

3. Revising Unhealthy Attachment Patterns: We also look at how past hurts have shaped the way we relate to others now. Sometimes, we develop habits that make it harder for us to feel connected in our relationships. By recognizing these habits and learning new ways to connect, we can begin to shift away from patterns of avoidance, anxiety, or uncertainty in our relationships, and start building healthier relationships.  

4. Enhancing Emotional Regulation: Attachment-focused EMDR helps us manage our feelings better too by addressing unresolved attachment trauma. When we've been through tough times, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. This therapy teaches us how to calm ourselves down and cope with difficult emotions in a healthier way. 

5. Cultivating Secure Attachment: Ultimately, the goal of attachment-focused EMDR is to help us feel more secure and close in our relationships. We learn to set boundaries, express our needs, and show kindness to ourselves and others. We also learn to love ourself and not be triggered when people mistreat us. This leads to happier and more fulfilling connections with the people in our lives.   

Seeking Professional Support 

While EMDR therapy can be highly effective in treating attachment trauma, it's essential to seek professional support from a qualified therapist who is trained in EMDR. This is even more so when talking about Attachment-focused Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (AF-EMDR), which requires knowledge and training on attachment. While there are only a handful of therapists in the Cincinnati area that specialize in attachment work, we at Therapy Cincinnati are fortunate to have 2 therapists that specialize in this.


Attachment trauma can have a profound impact on women's lives, affecting their relationships, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. However, with the help of EMDR therapy, healing is possible. By addressing traumatic memories and reprocessing them in a safe and supportive environment, EMDR can help women overcome attachment trauma and cultivate healthier, more fulfilling lives. If you've experienced attachment trauma, know that you're not alone, and there is hope for healing. Consider seeking support from a qualified therapist trained in Attachment-focused Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (AF-EMDR) to begin your journey towards healing and growth.